First Name: Helena
Last Name: Andric
Program of Study: Interior Design
Submission Category: Painting
Title of Artwork: Spaced Out
Art Description: Living in a student house with 7 other roommates can be challenging at times. However, when everyone enjoys art it becomes a regular house activity. An 8-person collaboration explored the idea of ocean meeting space, chosen by pulling words out of a hat. Overall, the painting encompasses many creatures, jokes, connections and ideas. The mix of styles brings depth and interest while transporting you into a fantasy world where aliens in submarines are fighting octopuses in UFO's.
Size of Artwork in inches: 4' x 3' x 2''
Mediums used to create artwork: Acrylic Paint, Pen/Ink
Original Piece or a Reproduction: Original Piece
Year Artwork Created: 2022
Campus: North