2023 Conference Program

Harbourfont Centre Maps: Site Map | Main Building

Sep 29, 2023

Harbourfront Centre
235 Queens Quay W, Toronto, ON M5J 2G8

1:00 PM – 2: 00 PM

Registration - North Corridor Outside of Studio Theatre

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Plenary Panel: Diasporic Palimpsests and Outernationalist Dub in the Work of Angela Aujla and Indigenous Resistance
Angela Aujla, MA ; Prasad Bidaye, PhD

Moderator : Dr. Candace Iron

Location: Studio Theatre

3:30 PM – 4:00 PM

Refreshments in West Bays

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Keynote Dr. Billy-Ray Belcourt

Moderator: Prof. David Miller

Location: Studio Theatre

5:30 PM- 7:00 PM

Reception at Boxcar Social, Harbourfront
235 Queens Quay West Toronto, ON M5G 1B8

Sep 30, 2023


8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Registration and Breakfast 
Location: Marilyn Brewer Community Space

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Panel 1a Excluded Identities
1) Siham Soulaimi, MA;  2) Waed Hasan, MA

Moderator: Dr. Alexander Shvarts

Location: Main Loft

Panel 1b Polarization and the Perils of Displacement
1) Pier Paolo Piciucco, PhD; 2) Erik Mortensen PhD; 3) Meera Shirodkar, PhD

Moderator: Prof. Sarah Armenia

Location: Loft 1

10:30 AM- 10:40 AM Refreshments in Marilyn Brewer Community Space
10:40 AM - 12:10 PM

Panel 2a Reclaiming Identities
1) Nidhi Jain, Ph.D., Sanjay Lodha, Ph.D. 2) Shazia Hafiz Ramji, MFA

Moderator: Dr. Masood  Zangeneh

Location: Main Loft

Panel 2b Planting New Roots
1) Alexander Shvarts, Ph.D; 2) Victoria Abboud, PhD; 3) Zeina Seaifan, BA

Moderator: Prof. Aileen Herman

Location: Loft 1

Lunch 12:15 PM- 1:15 PM Location: Marilyn Brewer Community Space
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM

Panel 3a Moving Parts (Migration and Mental Health)
1) Kathy Friedman; 2) Antonio Michael Downing; 3) Eufemia Fantetti

Moderator: Prof. Neesha Meminger

Location: Main Loft

Panel 3b Belongingness and Identity in New Homelands
1) Cristina Guerrero, PhD and Blaise Humblelaine Cabanban, BA; 2) Eamama Daniyal, MA ; 

Moderator : Dr. Alexander Shvarts

Location: Loft 1

2:45 PM- 2:55 PM  Refreshments in Marilyn Brewer Community Space
2:55 PM - 4:25 PM

Panel 4a Diaspora on the Small and Silver Screens
1) Abdollah Zahiri, Ph.D.;  2) Smita Misra, PhD

Moderator: Prof. Nathan Radke

Location: Main Loft

Panel 4b Differing Diasporas
1) Teng Zhang, MA; 2) Kellie Roddy, MA

Moderator : Dr. Candace Iron

Location: Loft 1