Join us on June 25th from 1-2 PM for an enlightening session focused on 2SLGBTQ+ support and resources at Humber College & Guelph Humber.

This event requires registration which can be done here

This session will feature staff of the LGBTQ+ Resource Centre who will share valuable insights into understanding LGBTQ+ student experiences at Humber, exploring available supports, resources, and programs, and learning effective referral processes to connect students with LGBTQ+ resources. Additionally, we'll discuss opportunities for deeper engagement with LGBTQ+ affairs and provide a space for collaborative problem solving with fellow staff and faculty members at the College.

All are encouraged to attend as an opportunity to learn and demonstrate support for the LGBTQ+ community however this event is primarily targeted towards staff and faculty at Humber and Guelph Humber. We look forward to your participation as we continue to foster a supportive environment within the Humber & Guelph Humber community.

Humber College LGBTQ+ Resource Centre
Online Event
Toronto, ON M9W 5L7