Join the Office of EDIB for our first Community Conversation: Breaking the Cycle of Hate.

This first session will be led by Humber student Chandra (Nat) Limiarja, whose project, "Breaking the Cycle of Hate: A Systems Analysis of Anti-LGBT Sentiment in Indonesia," won first place in both Humber's local Map the System competition and the Canadian national finals. Nat’s work stood out among 183 student teams from across Canada, highlighting how systems thinking can address complex social issues like anti-LGBT sentiment.

We are honored to have Nat share his insights and lead this important conversation. Following Nat’s presentation, the Office of EDIB will facilitate a community discussion, providing an open space for participants to ask questions, share their thoughts, and debrief on the key points from the presentation. This interactive portion of the event encourages attendees to reflect on how the themes of the presentation connect to broader issues of equity and inclusion within our community.

Participants are invited to engage in meaningful conversations, answer questions posed by fellow community members and contribute their own insights.

Light refreshments will be served, and we encourage everyone to stay afterwards to continue connecting, building relationships, and fostering a sense of community.

Join our first Community Conversation by registering now.

We look forward to seeing everyone there!

Chandra (Nat) Limiarja speaking at the front of a classroom
North Campus, E Concourse
205 Humber College Blvd
Toronto, ON M9W 5L7