Unaffordable Housing, Climate Breakdown, Government Debts: Generational Fairness and Canadian Politics

Millennials and Gen Z have been harmed by a painful era of over-extraction. While many older homeowners have gained wealth from rising home values, the cost has been unaffordable housing for their adult children. Overuse of the atmosphere’s limited capacity to absorb carbon leaves extreme weather for younger generations today and in the future. Most new government spending funds retirement and medical care supports for our aging loved ones, leaving unpaid government bills and underinvestment in younger Canadians.

In this talk, Dr. Paul Kershaw will argue that the antidote to over-extraction is intergenerational solidarity. He will explore this theme, explaining why generational fairness has become a key concern in Canadian politics.


Dr. Paul Kershaw
North Campus, B101 (Boardroom)
205 Humber College Blvd
Toronto, ON M9W 5L7