David Kemp, Professor, Department of English, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences

The Department of English would like to bid a fond farewell to David Kemp, who will be retiring from faculty at the end of this academic year. David began teaching part-time at Humber in 1984 and became a full-time faculty member in 1986. Over the course of his career, David has made numerous and lasting contributions to the department, school, and college. David was an early adopter of technology in the classroom, piloting digital media, building portable media carts, and developing curriculum for online writing courses, notably Language 101 (1992-93), and Communications 200 (online text WinHelp). David has presented twice at the League for Innovation and at various Showcases and CALL conferences. David is a NISOD recipient (1994) and a winner of the Innovation of the Year Award (1994) for his contribution to the HumberNet Learning Support System (LSS) project. In addition, David has designed numerous bronze awards for SCAPA, including: Comedy (Thalia), Creative Writing (Calliope), Song Writing (Euterpe), and the Humber Oscar Peterson Award (1997-2002); he also designed and edited Northern Light, the League for Innovation Literary Contest anthology and poster (2004-05).

On behalf of the department, I would like to thank David for his service to the Humber community and to wish him well in his retirement.

Vera Beletzan                                                                                      
Associate Dean                                                                                                                                  Department of English, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences