Humber releases Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Policy and Procedures

March 25, 2015

Humber will release its stand-alone Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Policy and Procedures on Thursday, March 26 as part of a province-wide initiative on sexual assault spearheaded by Colleges Ontario and supported by Ontario’s 24 public colleges. The policy outlines the college’s commitment to assisting those who have experienced or witnessed sexual violence by ensuring a supportive environment for reporting, providing information and protecting individuals’ rights.

The policy, which was developed after extensive consultation with a range of Humber stakeholders, applies to all members of the Humber and Guelph-Humber community.

“The policy represents an institution-wide commitment to creating a culture where students feel safe reporting sexual violence, and we have had overwhelming support across the college,” says Jen McMillen, Humber's dean of students. “While it’s a policy in name, it really is a tool to change attitudes, behaviour and the wider culture around us.”

Humber has formed a working group of staff, students and faculty to facilitate the implementation of the policy. As well, the college will be introducing a Bystander Intervention training program, which builds on the “Can I Kiss You” educational program that is mandatory for all first-year residence students.

“Students, staff and faculty alike have been eager to participate in this dialogue,” says Corinna Fitzgerald, director of Student Life Programs and lead author of the policy. “The Humber community is ready to change the historical conversation about issues like consent and sexual violence.”

The Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Policy and Procedures documents will be available online tomorrow. Check for website details.