Humber Takes Leadership Role in Student Mental Health

May 24, 2012

Humber College is changing the way mental health problems are recognized and supported on campus.

From May 22-25, noted mental health advocate, Dr. Mike Condra, Director of the Department of Health, Counselling and Disability Services at Queen’s University, will train more than 60 senior Humber faculty and administrators, including all Deans and Associate Deans, on the MFHA principles of how to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health problems, how to provide initial help and how to guide a person towards appropriate professional help.

                                                                                Dr. Mike Condra

The 12 Humber instructors will train an additional 160 faculty and staff from various departments and schools across the college on an ongoing basis. Humber is the first college in Canada to have a comprehensive, institutionally supported, systemic model with a large group of trained instructors from multiple college functions.

For more information, please see the media realease and news story.