JIPE Special Issue Call-for-Papers

The Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE) is pleased to announce a call-for-papers for a special issue on “Navigating the Future of Work: Empowering Learners in a Transforming Ecosystem.” This title aims to encapsulate the dynamic nature of the evolving work landscape and the critical role of education in preparing for these changes.

This call-for-papers invites contributions that explore innovative approaches, strategies, and solutions for equipping learners with the skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to thrive in the future workforce.

We seek to encourage a broad range of submissions, including but not limited to empirical research, theoretical analyses, case studies, and reviews. Writing in plain language to maximize accessibility is a must: if your colleague or a friend can understand it, your paper is good to go! We encourage creativity and adding personal flair.

We invite you to send us your expression of interest at JIPE.ca by May 1.

Learn more about the call-for-papers.

If you’ve any questions, please direct them to humberpress@humber.ca.