Rani Dhaliwal's Retirement

After almost 15 years as one of Humber’s most senior and transformative leaders, and over 20 plus years in the K-12 and private sectors, Rani Dhaliwal has decided to retire at the end of 2021.  

Rani has made an indelible impact on Humber, the community and post-secondary sector and will be remembered for strengthening Humber’s financial position, building infrastructure and innovative system collaborations, and championing sustainability.  

Most recently, Rani has been focused on advancing our polytechnic priorities as Senior Vice President, Transformation and Strategic Partnerships. Rani has led our ongoing efforts to optimize revenue growth and diversification through new approaches to continuous professional learning, real estate education and corporate training. She has helped propel the Unlimited campaign towards its $50 million goal, guiding our approach to the college’s first ever significant public fundraising campaign. Rani has provided strategic leadership to our unique partnerships with the University of Guelph and Seneca College.

Previously as Senior Vice-President, Planning and Corporate Services & CFO, Rani provided leadership in the development and achievement of many ‘firsts’ for Humber, including: Campus Revitalization Plan; IT Plan and Cloud Strategy; Enterprise Risk Management framework; Integrated Energy Master Plan and Disaster Recovery Plan.

Through her leadership Humber’s financial position was strengthened to support the needs of unprecedented enrolment growth. Rani oversaw a record number of property acquisition and led several major capital building and technology projects, including:

  • The Barrett Centre for Technology Innovation and Learning Resource Commons (North Campus)
  • The Lakeshore Commons, Welcome Centre and Athletic Centre (Lakeshore Campus)
  • Banner Enterprise System

Rani championed the development of Humber’s Sustainability Strategy and drove significant institutional change that led to the achievement of STARS Silver and LEED Gold certifications and the college being repeatedly named one of Canada’s Greenest Employers.

Rani chaired Colleges Ontario’s Administrative Services Coordinating Committee and provided system level leadership for initiatives, like the reviews of the college funding model and system sustainability and the provincial creation of Strategic Mandate Agreements. Rani has passion for volunteerism and has served on many community organizations and boards including: William Osler Health System; World University Service of Canada; UNICEF Canada; OECM; CICAN and the Federation of Canadian-Brazilian Businesses.

I want to thank Rani for her contributions and wish her well as she looks forward to the next chapter in her life. I will be working with Rani on transition plans and will share more information about those in the coming weeks.


Chris Whitaker
President and CEO