Graduation ceremonies are held annually in the Spring and Fall at the Toronto Congress Centre. Graduates will be sent an email one month prior to the event date and are required to apply to attend convocation by the deadline.
Graduates attending convocation will receive their credential prior to their ceremony. Your credential will be withheld if you have outstanding fees. Please review your MyHumber account and clear all outstanding debts.
Graduates will receive an information package (separate from the credential package) one week prior to the ceremonies which will have details about the day of the ceremony, 3 guest tickets, and a graduate name card.
Please ensure your official name, email and mailing address is updated on MyHumber.
For general questions about the ceremony consult the Frequently Asked Questions or contact:
Customer Service
Tel: 416.675.3111
For questions about registration and eligibility for graduation, please contact:
Enrolment Services, Records and Registration