Career Advancement Service

Career Coaching

Wouldn't it be great to have your own personal coach to help you navigate your career?

If you are planning a career transition or if you don't know what career you want to pursue and don't know where to start, Career Advancement Service (CAS) could be just for you. Building a career needs to be viewed as a process of managing one's own development, learning and life decisions. In order to begin the process you need to set a career goal that is a good fit for you & your circumstances.

Through our services you can work with a career coach to help you...

  • discover your career interests and skills
  • explore and learn about different occupations
  • make informed educational choices
  • develop a realistic and achievable plan of action

The goals may change over time but to begin the process you must take the first step...

  • skills and interest inventories
  • self-assessment exercises
  • labor market information
  • employer research
  • job search resources

Appointments are available VIRTUALLY only on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Book Your Appointment Now

Instructions on How to Register and Book in WCOnline