Using the Online Course Design Tool to Plan Your Course

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Now consider the topics that will best segment the learning into manageable modules. Modules do not have to be the same length; for example, two weeks can be allotted for a long module, while one week could be considered for a shorter module.

Before this step, you may want to categorize your topics. One way to organize your course is by using sticky notes.


Write every topic down (one per sticky note).


Group the sticky notes together based on shared concepts and themes.


Each group of notes can then be turned into a module.

Once you have determined your modules, record them in your Online Course Design Tool. Here is an example:


Module # Topics (thematic units; similar content over a few weeks) Relevant Course Learning Outcomes
1. Race, Ethnicity, and Culture 1, 2, 3
2. Multiculturalism, nationality, and belonging 2, 3, 4, 5
3. Dimensions of racism: stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination 4, 5, 6
4. Representations of race in various industries 5, 6, 7