Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:
A Faculty Toolkit

Yuri A | Shutterstock

Welcome to
Humber College's
EDI Faculty Toolkit

The overarching goal of this toolkit is to reinforce, inspire, and facilitate change towards more EDI-minded teaching practices.

This toolkit aims to reach a broad audience. While many are well-versed in the language of EDI for some, this content may be unfamiliar.

Learning (and unlearning) are complex, multifaceted processes and this toolkit is intended to offer support in this ongoing journey.

To ensure Humber faculty had a “roadmap” to guide how they integrate EDI into their professional practice, an EDI Toolkit entitled “Teaching for Belonging: Inclusive and Identity Responsive Instruction" was developed.  The author of “Teaching for Belonging: Inclusive and Identity Responsive Instruction" is Professor Shara Stone.  You can access the PDF version of Professor Stone's work by clicking the thumbnail image to the right.  Shara Stone's work is the basis of this online version of the EDI Toolkit.

We would like to acknowledge and thank Shara Stone for her work and commitment to equity and inclusion in higher education.

The cover of Humber's EDI toolkit

Humber College

Overall, this
Module Series
endeavours to:

1. Promote reflection

2. Raise awareness

3. Encourage critical thinking and discussion 

4. Provide strategies to further the incorporation of the EDI framework into teaching and curriculum development

A venn diagram with many identities around the edge: religious, race, age, etc. combining in the middle to form 'identity'
Humber College

The EDI Toolkit

The key components of this toolkit are woven into the following learning goals

An illustration showing a person going up stairs, a person in a wheelchair going up a ramp toward a graduation ceremony with the words Opportunities on the stairs and ramp

eLM graphics

Establish new and more inclusive norms for teaching

Ground teaching and learning in responsiveness to learners’ identities

Acknowledge Indigenous forms of learning and research as beneficial to ALL learners

Shift away from assumptions that reinforce a narrow and homogeneous education

Foster a conscious sense of community that facilitates student goal setting

Content Advisory

This virtual toolkit explores a number of controversial topics that may be emotionally charging for some. The toolkit is intended to provide guidance as you navigate your journey towards more EDI-minded teaching, and it promotes self-reflection and critical thinking along the way. Your lived experiences and who you are will shape how you enter this work and how you are affected by the material. We encourage you to take breaks when necessary and reach out when support is needed.

The virtual toolkit is broken down into 4 learning modules:

Module 1

Introduction to the EDI Toolkit Module Series

Module 2

Research and Theory Informing Teaching for Belonging

Module 3

Teaching for Belonging and Planning Inclusive Instruction

Module 4

Putting the EDI Toolkit into Practice