December 5th, 2022
Blog Post

And just like that, I'm nearly 100 days into my time at Humber College.

It’s been a whirlwind, and it’s been terrific.  As the saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun – and the fall term at Humber has flown by.

There is a great deal to review from my first 100 days. I have presided over my first Humber convocation, marked the official opening of the Humber International Graduate School, learned about our programs and facilities, and celebrated...Read more

Filed under: Comments
October 14th, 2022
Blog Post

It’s an important moment for Humber College with the launch of our transformative Academic Plan and Digital Campus Plan that will help guide the College’s future for the next several years.

These forward-looking plans identify future-focused priorities and strategic opportunities to support innovation in the ways the Humber community teaches, learns and works. I encourage you to take a moment to read them to see what we are prioritizing and how we plan to achieve our goals in the coming years.  

One trait of the Humber community that I’ve observed from my first...Read more

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October 7th, 2022
Blog Post

With Thanksgiving this weekend, it is an opportunity to reflect on our lives with gratitude.
I’m thankful for many things – my wonderful, loving and supportive family and what has quickly become my extended Humber family – are most notable.  

I consider myself fortunate to have many reasons to be thankful and serving as the President and CEO of this college ranks high among them. I’ve enjoyed every minute of my time at Humber and I am frequently reminded what a privilege it is to hold this position.  

So, if you can’t already tell, one of the...Read more

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