October 6th, 2022
President's Message

Recent events in Iran and elsewhere demonstrate that the time is now 
Each October is Women’s History Month. It’s an opportunity to celebrate the outstanding women and girls who have made important contributions to our country while helping build a more inclusive Canada. In a few days, it will be the International Day of the Girl Child – a day that’s dedicated to celebrating the voices and power of girls, championing their rights worldwide, and reflecting on the challenges they continue to face because of their gender. 
Supporting women and...Read more

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September 22nd, 2022
President's Message

September 30 marks the second annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This day was created to commemorate the tragic legacy of residential schools and their lasting impact on Indigenous peoples and communities to this day. 

The day is also recognized as Orange Shirt Day, which encourages us to honour the survivors of residential schools while reflecting on the loss of children and the acts of cultural genocide that attempted to break the spirit and legacies of...Read more

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September 6th, 2022
President's Message

The Humber and Guelph-Humber communities are deeply saddened by the unspeakable tragedy that left 10 people dead and 18 injured in the communities of James Smith Cree Nation and nearby Weldon, Saskatchewan over the weekend. 

The pain is especially acute for Indigenous communities, and we offer our deepest sympathy and support to the families of the victims and anyone else affected by the news coming from Saskatchewan.  

Undoubtedly, Humber and Guelph-Humber students and employees have been impacted by this tragedy as well. Students in...Read more

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