September 2nd, 2022
Blog Post

I’ve just finished my first week at Humber College and what a wonderful week it was for me!

I want to start this message by saying thank you. Thank you for the opportunity to meet so many of you this week – thank you for your warm greetings and smiles. It is easy to see that Humber is a wonderful, welcoming place.

Having an opportunity to explore our college firsthand is something I’ve been looking forward to since accepting the position. I’m excited to be here and am enjoying my first taste of the Humber experience, which included ...Read more

Filed under: Comments
August 29th, 2022
President's Message

Let me begin by extending my warmest wishes to all Humber College students, faculty and staff. I’m so excited to join this special community. I’ve heard many good things about the people of Humber since I accepted my new position and during my time working in Ontario’s college system.

I am fortunate to be the first woman President and CEO of Humber College. I take that very seriously and hope that it inspires other women to strive for leadership positions at Humber, in our post-secondary sector and beyond.

Over the next months, I will be learning about the Humber community....Read more

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June 30th, 2022
President's Message

As I complete my time at Humber after 10 years, I am grateful for the opportunities I have had and the work in which I have been a part. Working at Humber has been the highlight of my career. It was the role of colleges in making a difference in the lives of individuals and communities that attracted me to the sector almost 35 years ago. Providing accessible and practical, career-focused education always made so much sense to me, particularly after spending time in a conventional university environment.

After a lengthy career at a traditional college,...Read more

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