Our team is made up of a vibrant group of 8 students supporting Humber/UGH campuses who are dedicated to building a culture of consent and sexual violence awareness through outreach. 

Consent Peer Educators (CPEs)

CPEs are responsible for:

Providing sexual violence and consent education through events, training, and social media outlets

Researching on-going initiatives regarding sexual violence awareness and prevention

Being active role models on campus while positively promoting and encouraging others in accordance with the Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence policy at Humber/UGH

See the full CPE (2023-2024) job description.


Lead Consent Peer Educators (LCPEs)

LCPEs are responsible for:

Leading the Consent Peer Education Program including leading the digital presence of the program though social media outlets

Facilitating dialogues/workshops around consent, sexual violence, and healthy relationships

Planning and coordinating large-scale events

Coaching and mentoring a team of Consent Peer Educators

Being active role models on campus while positive promoting and encouraging others in accordance with the Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Policy at Humber/UofGH

See the full LCPE (2023-2024) job description


Consent Educaiton Facilitator (CEF)

The CEF is responsible for:

Assisting in the development of sexual violence prevention and education initiatives

Supporting the Taskforce on Preventing & Responding to Sexual Violence

Assisting in the development and facilitation of Consent Peer Educator training in August

See the full CEF (2023) job description.


Join Our Team! 

Hiring happens annually in March; visit CareerConnect to apply!

Why join our team? 

Develop a broad awareness of sexual violence on campus, in addition to a clear understanding of consent education. 

Develop skills such as team building, communication, leadership, and event planning.

Receive training such as bystander intervention, conflict resolution, diversity awareness, intersectionality and more.

Receive recognition on your Co-Curricular Record.

Co-Curricular Record