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Submission Number: 1160
Submission ID: 1160
Submission UUID: 8952c63e-3252-4c68-9a76-82afae9684a5

Created: Sun, 02/25/2024 - 19:27
Completed: Sun, 02/25/2024 - 23:47
Changed: Thu, 04/04/2024 - 18:38

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Submission Details
"Half-life of a Home - The Withering of a Warming World"
Digital Art
Digitally Generated Art, Pen/Ink, Watercolour Paint, Other
6.75 x 6.75
Original Piece
This conceptual original piece was created to represent the flora and fauna drastically affected by climate change. The platform the polar bears are all standing on is meant to be the final platform that remains after all the ice in the Arctic has molten with the red representing melting, where they are looking out in despair with nowhere to go. The cracks signify this final platform is about to suddenly give way, where there is one polar bear about to fall through the cracks, which signifies their extinction if human action is not taken to prevent it. The orange sky represents worldwide forest fires which are made very possible by global warming and the deep blue below the platform represents the nothingness of the ocean waiting to rise and swallow everything. The tree with birds flying away signifies the reality that animals are losing their home because of the flora being damaged due to uninhabitable conditions. Finally, the half of the tree that is withered signifies the trees dying because of climate change but the half that is green and unwithered shows that there is still time to reverse climate change, as I hope we can do in time.
Contact Information
Electrical Engineering Technology - Control Systems