Title of Artwork | Early Solitude |
Photo of Artwork | Digital Art-Early Solitude- Isaiah Miller.jpg
(546.01 KB)
Submission Category | Digital Art |
Mediums used to create artwork. Select ALL that apply. | Digital Photography, Photo Collage, Other |
Size of Artwork in inches. Length x Width x Height (i.e. 12 x 8 x 6) | 8 x 11 |
Is this an Original Piece or a Reproduction? | Original Piece |
Art Description (What inspired you to create the artwork?) | "Early Solitude" is a creative work that speaks to the prompt: "How life feels to me after living through a few years of a global pandemic." It is a creative piece that displays the concept of social distancing, isolation, and being forced to wear a face mask for the youth in our generation by the cause of a global pandemic. This artwork was made from stock assets and forged together through a photo-manipulation process in Adobe Photoshop. |
What year was the artwork created? | 2023 |
First Name | Isaiah |
Last Name | Miller |
Student Number (i.e. N01234567) | |
Program of Study | Visual & Digital Arts |
Campus | Lakeshore |
How did you hear about the Art Show? | Faculty/Staff, Word of Mouth |
Date Submitted | 07-03-2022 |
Juror's Pick |