Title of Artwork | Kiki |
Photo of Artwork | 612D0CEA-CC5E-462F-918B-3EB0559D0827.jpeg
(416.79 KB)
Submission Category | Digital Art |
Mediums used to create artwork. Select ALL that apply. | Digitally Generated Art |
Size of Artwork in inches. Length x Width x Height (i.e. 12 x 8 x 6) | Width: 2268px, Height: 1668px |
Is this an Original Piece or a Reproduction? | Original Piece |
Art Description (What inspired you to create the artwork?) | I have always been impressed by ghibli movies and how they create character with an unique personality and beautiful animation. This artwork is inspired by the character Kiki from a ghibli movie called “Kiki’s delivery”, telling a story of an adventurous little witch who go to a new land and tries to help people around her. As her attitude is my go-to, I want to present her through my art style. |
What year was the artwork created? | 2023 |
First Name | Thu |
Last Name | Nguyen |
Student Number (i.e. N01234567) | |
Program of Study | Bachelor of Digital Communications |
Campus | Lakeshore |
How did you hear about the Art Show? | |
Date Submitted | 07-03-2022 |
Juror's Pick |