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Submission Number: 70
Submission ID: 70
Submission UUID: 7009eb71-3580-476c-aa2e-4ec4ea0332b5

Created: Mon, 03/07/2022 - 15:49
Completed: Mon, 03/07/2022 - 15:49
Changed: Thu, 04/14/2022 - 11:11

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Title of Artwork Bhagat Singh- Inspirational Activist
Photo of Artwork
Submission Category Painting
Mediums used to create artwork. Select ALL that apply. Acrylic Paint, Pencil, Watercolour Paint
Size of Artwork in inches. Length x Width x Height (i.e. 12 x 8 x 6) 18 inches lenght 23.3 inches height and 0.7 inches width
Is this an Original Piece or a Reproduction? Reproduction
Art Description (What inspired you to create the artwork?) The second painting I drew is of Bhagat Singh- He was a Indian social activist who was a young Indian freedom fighter, who played a major role in revolutionising India’s Independence movement. He is one of India’s freedom fighters who sacrificed his own life for Indias freedom and he continues to inspire people even today. This painting was a dream come true, and ever since I created it my family members along with friends have complimented it and I am grateful for the love I received for the painting. This painting is a reproduction with a twist of my own design. I got the inspiration from many different images on google.
What year was the artwork created? 2018
First Name Simran
Last Name Mander
Student Number (i.e. N01234567)
Program of Study Workplace Health and Wellness, Bachelor of Health Sciences
Campus North Campus
How did you hear about the Art Show? Email
Date Submitted 07-03-2022
Juror's Pick