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Submission Number: 837
Submission ID: 837
Submission UUID: 57f5b8b9-1062-4b31-8a40-4fb9af91ed98

Created: Tue, 02/20/2024 - 18:10
Completed: Tue, 02/20/2024 - 18:15
Changed: Thu, 03/28/2024 - 19:41

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Title of Artwork "Dou Drift
Photo of Artwork
Rectangle 677.jpg (519.88 KB)
Submission Category Painting
Mediums used to create artwork. Select ALL that apply. Watercolour Paint
Size of Artwork in inches. Length x Width x Height (i.e. 12 x 8 x 6) 14 X 11 in
Is this an Original Piece or a Reproduction? Original Piece
Art Description (What inspired you to create the artwork?) Painting two boats on a lake with watercolor can be inspired by the calm and balance of the scene. The reflection of the boats in the water, the way light shines on them, and the peaceful feeling of being by the lake can create a sense of harmony, making it a nice subject.
What year was the artwork created? 2023
First Name Amir
Last Name Sanatkar
Student Number (i.e. N01234567) N01548199
Program of Study UXD
Campus North
How did you hear about the Art Show? Email
Date Submitted 20-02-2024
Juror's Pick