Climate Action Plan

Humber's Pathway to Net-Zero

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Climate Action Plan Update: Humber Polytechnic Accelerates Its Net-Zero emissions target from 2050 to 2029 

Humber Polytechnic is accelerating its sustainability goals, moving its net-zero emissions target from 2050 to 2029. This commitment includes transitioning from natural gas to advanced electric heating systems, significantly reducing Humber’s carbon footprint. By achieving net-zero more than 20 years ahead of schedule, Humber aims to be one of the first Canadian institutions to reach this milestone, setting a new standard for climate action and sustainability leadership.

Dates and timelines in the Climate Action Plan PDF document remain the same from when the plan was originally developed in 2022, but targets will now be achieved much sooner as many projects will be fast-tracked. 

The plan will address the college's Scope 1 and 2 emissions, which are greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) that the college, owns, has control over, or are from the generation of purchased energy. The innovative energy-efficient measures include: 

  • Retrofitting existing building envelopes and modifying controls.
  • Optimizing existing building energy performance.
  • Replacing natural gas heating equipment with decarbonized options when it reaches the end of its useful life.
  • Converting existing steam distribution to low-temperature hot water and electrifying heating sources.
  • Ensuring new builds, such as the Humber Cultural Hub, meet rigorous, best in the country, energy-efficient and zero-carbon standards.

In partnership with Colleges and Institutes of Canada (CICan), Humber is committed to leading by example, adopting sustainable practices and reducing the college's environmental footprint. Humber aims to accelerate practical solutions to reduce GHG emissions and enhance Canadian competitiveness by leveraging campus assets.  


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