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 There are many stories of how Humber students have benefited from the generosity of our supporters.
The personal impact on their lives can be read below.



Igor Kladnjakovic
Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology
Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology

"I cannot express how happy and thankful I am to have this support that helps reduce the financial stress of paying for school and industry standard certifications. Getting through and graduating from school is a difficult task for any student, especially this year, but thanks to donors, at least we know we are not alone on this path. Thank you for the support and helping me to continue to excel in my studies with peace of mind. I deeply appreciate the generosity."

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James Heinrichs
Music Composition Ontario graduate certificate program
Faculty of Media, Creative Arts, and Design

"I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the many individuals, organizations, foundations, faculty and staff whose generosity made this scholarship possible. I feel very fortunate for Humber’s community of donors who are committed to helping students, and I do not take for granted their support. The decision to pursue an education and career in music, or any field in the arts for that matter, is not without risks. As every artistic community requires support to survive, it is with great appreciation that I offer my earnest thanks. In addition to the monetary value, this scholarship gives me a profound sense of achievement, confidence, and the encouragement to continue working towards my future goals."

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Sabrina Macellaio
Accounting, Business Administration
Faculty of Business

"The scholarship I received inspires me to push myself towards completing my education and achieving my dream of one day having a successful career as an Accountant. I am so fortunate that donors are committed to supporting students so we can further our education and become financially secure while doing so. This scholarship provides me an increased level of freedom to dedicate myself to not only complete this program, but to also strive for academic excellence."

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Famous Pullen
Fitness and Health Promotion
Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness

"I chose the Fitness & Health Promotion program at Humber because it is my passion to help others. Receiving a scholarship at Humber will allow me to add value to the society at large by encouraging those around me to make healthier choices. It has revived my hope that my dreams will come true, which means so much to me. For this, I would like to say thank you to Humber’s generous donors for their kindness."

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Claire Adams
General Arts & Science
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences

"The financial support that I have received will allow me to continue my studies without fear of being able to afford food or housing. While student loans come in handy, it is reassuring to know that I have been granted this scholarship because of the diligence I have shown and hard work I have put into my program. I am very thankful that donors choose to support students like myself. This allows us to reach our goals, especially when that may not have been possible due to financial constraints. The gratitude that I have is immeasurable and I look forward to seeing what the future will bring me in my academic career."

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Sara Smolej
Bachelor of Commerce - Human Resources Management, The Business School

"Receiving an award was an amazing opportunity for me. It solidified that I can do anything I put my mind to. Sara knew she wanted a career working with people and was drawn to the field of Human Resources because it combines both business and sociology. She chose Humber because the Human Resources Management degree curriculum includes the courses required to earn a Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation. Thanks to the donor-funded awards she received, Sara paid off school expenses and topped up her savings account for the future."

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Bianka Grof
General Arts & Science, School of Liberal Arts & Sciences

"It warms my heart to know how invested donors are in the education of future generations. I will never cease to be thankful for their help.  Bianka supported herself with two part time jobs while she attended Humber Polytechnic full time. Receiving financial support from a scholarship had a direct impact on her academic performance because she could work a bit less, and study more. Juggling school and work means she sometimes had no days off for weeks in a row. Support made possible by donors allowed her to take a break to re-focus and re-gain her balance."

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Ali Nasser
Occupational Therapist Assistant and Occupational Physiotherapist Assistant, School of Health Sciences

"Awards go beyond helping students financially; they help students on an emotional and psychological level. Receiving this award is great for my confidence and reminds me that I am not alone in this journey. Like many students, Ali works hard to balance school and work and not let worries about money shift his attention away from his education. Ali’s goal is to become a registered physiotherapist and knows he will get there with peer support from lifelong friends he has made at Humber Polytechnic. Donor support helped Ali focus on his school work, and reinforced his passion for helping others."

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Jennifer Szilagyi
Bachelor of Creative Advertising, School of Media Studies & Information Technology

"The scholarship I received drastically changed my outlook and altered the course of my future. It could not have come at a better time. I will always have endless gratitude that someone I don’t know gave me the financial and inspirational help I needed, and I hope to someday pay that gift forward. I’m a fourth-year student at Humber Polytechnic. Last fall, I faced some difficult circumstances and suddenly found myself having to scramble to find a new home and a new part-time job all within a month. I was worried, stressed, and having trouble focusing on my studies. But in December, I found out I received the Olive M. Hull Women’s Leadership Scholarship, funded by a generous donor. This completely changed the mindset I’d had the previous month. I found a sudden burst of motivation for my future! I now have the support I need to continue living in Toronto to pursue my studies, instead of moving back home with my parents. I’ve also been able to focus on freelance design work that corresponds with my program at Humber, rather than relying on an unrelated part-time job. As I near the completion of my studies, I am inspired to do my very best, and certain that I can have a positive impact on the world. The scholarship I received drastically changed my outlook and altered the course of my future. It could not have come at a better time. I will always have endless gratitude that someone I don’t know gave me the financial and inspirational help I needed, and I hope to someday pay that gift forward."

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Erin Innis
Culinary Management, School of Hospitality, Recreation & Tourism

"I am so grateful and honoured to be given this scholarship. It isn’t just recognition for my hard work. It is also a reminder that I can achieve great things. I’m in my final year of Culinary Management at Humber Polytechnic, and I just received the Barney McCabe Memorial Scholarship. For several years, I had been trying to figure out what to do with my life. I’d been a mediocre student at the best of times for as long as I could remember. In 2012, I stepped into Humber’s hallways with no idea what to expect. I was terrified that this, my second attempt at post-secondary education, wouldn’t be any different from the last. I was insecure and full of doubt. But I didn’t encounter a maze this time around. There were no walls I could not see over, no awkward twists and turns or dead ends. To me, Humber was just a long hallway, and all I had to do was feel the walls and find the light switches to help me reach my destination. At Humber I finally found my answer…I could turn my passion for cooking and baking into a job. A life. I’ve been so proud of my accomplishments and making Honours these past three semesters. But receiving such a prestigious award on top of that has blown me away. I cannot express with words how it felt to take part in the awards ceremony. I remember trying to mentally process what exactly was going on at that time, and just seeing the huge smile on my mother’s face from the audience. I am so grateful and honoured to be given this scholarship. It isn’t just recognition for my hard work. It is also a reminder that I can achieve great things. And for the rest of my life, it will continue to inspire me to do nothing but the best work I can produce."

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