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"At Humber College, Continuous Professional Learning empowers individuals to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. We are committed to being at the forefront of professional development, shaping lifelong learners who are equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate our dynamic world."

Dr. Anne Marie Vaughan
President and CEO
Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning

CPL’s Learner Commitment

Inspired by this vision, Humber College's Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) operation is committed to the following:

Cultivating Lifelong Learning

We create a culture of lifelong learning, encouraging individuals to embrace ongoing development as an essential part of their personal and professional growth.

Fostering Innovation and Adaptability

We embrace change and foster a spirit of innovation, empowering professionals to adapt, evolve, and excel in a rapidly changing landscape through accessible and relevant learning opportunities.

Enhancing Career Success

We equip individuals with the skills, knowledge, and competencies needed to excel in their careers, enabling them to seize opportunities, achieve personal fulfillment, and make a positive impact in their organizations and communities.

Embracing Digital Transformation

We embrace technology and leverage its power to create transformative learning experiences that are accessible, flexible, and personalized, ensuring that professionals can learn anytime, anywhere.

Forging Strong Partnerships

We actively collaborate with industry partners, associations, and communities to identify emerging needs and co-create innovative learning solutions that address the evolving demands of the workforce.

Fostering Inclusion and Diversity

We champion diversity, equity, and inclusion in our learning programs, providing a welcoming environment that celebrates and leverages the unique perspectives and talents of all our learners.

Driving Thought Leadership

We are thought leaders in professional learning, continuously seeking new knowledge, researching emerging trends, and disseminating insights that shape the future of workforce development.

Measuring Impact

We evaluate the impact of our programs and initiatives, ensuring that our offerings deliver tangible outcomes and meaningful results for individuals, organizations, and society as a whole.

Inspiring a Community of Professionals

We build a vibrant community of professionals, fostering networking, collaboration, and peer learning opportunities that enable individuals to learn from each other, share experiences, and grow together.

Empowering Change Agents

We cultivate a cadre of change agents, empowering professionals to drive positive change within postsecondary education, external organizations, and industries, making a lasting impact on the future of work.

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Learner Testimonials

My experience with Humber was exceptional! I completed the entire certificate online; I was able to work full-time and raise a young family and complete my studies in the evening. The online courses were accessible and used the newest technology. I was able to connect with my peers and instructors easily. The courses were interesting and matched my real life work experience.

Zehra Haffajee
Ontario Graduate Certificate in Forensic Practice

The program provided me with a solid foundation of knowledge needed to start my career. It provided an in-depth view of the daily activities, challenges and responsibilities of a BSO as well as the many different career paths available in the CBSA and associated organizations. Now that I have completed this program I feel I have gained insight into a career that will be both challenging and rewarding.

Heather Platt
Border and Immigration Services Certificate

In beginning my continuous professional learning journey after being out of school for nearly 20 years, I was excited to find that my experience was phenomenal. My instructors and mentor each played an important part in my career-changing goal. It was especially my mentor's motivation and positivity that gave me the confidence and determination to continue towards my goal of becoming a bylaw enforcement officer.

Joanne Ascenzi
Municipal Bylaw Graduate