Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:
A Faculty Toolkit

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Digging Deep

Digging Deep by Eli Clare

Take a look at "Digging Deep" by Eli Clare (2003).

After you have read the summary, consider the following reflection questions. You may type your answer directly in the space provided.

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An artistic portrait of Eli Clare.
Portrait of Eli by Riva Lehrer

What are my assumptions about learners? How do my assumptions and beliefs impact my expectations of learners?

Where are the gaps in my knowledge?

How much do I know about the histories, contributions, and experiences of Indigenous peoples, racialized peoples, people with disabilities, members of the 2-Spirit and LGBTQ+ communities and people of various religious beliefs?

What do I need to learn and unlearn?

What Are Your Goals for this Online Toolkit?

An infographic of SMART goals. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic/Relevant, Time-bound.

eLM graphics

1. List 3 personal learning goals you have for this Module series.

2. List 3 questions you have regarding EDI related to teaching and learning.