Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:
A Faculty Toolkit

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Critical Pedagogies

  • Freire (1970) presents the notion of education as a tool of reflection and action (a praxis) in which students can explore the nature of the oppression they experience
  • hooks (1994, 2003) highlights the role of educators in impacting the success of students as they interpret the world,
Infographic. A circle in the middle with the word 'Praxis' on it. Around it was 4 smaller circles with the words theory, reflection, action, and reflection again. Those four words are connected with lines.
eLM graphics

  • Culturally relevant pedagogy (Ladson-Billings, 1995, 1998) aims to produce students with:
    1. Sustained academic achievement
    2. Cultural competence
    3. An ability to critique the social order in which they live
  • Culturally sustaining education (Paris & Alim, 2017) promotes linguistic, literate and cultural pluralism rather than reinforcing assimilation and colonialism
3 overlapping circles with the words student leanring and achievement, cultural competence, and critical consciousness.
eLM graphics