Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:
A Faculty Toolkit

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Part II:
Take-Away Assignment

Create an EDI Mission Statement

Man hand writing on paper notebook with a pen

TippaPatt | Shutterstock

Equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging mission statements are a start to fostering inclusive learning environments, and they will also pave the way for learners to open up and speak up about their learning experiences with their peers. Writing a mission statement could also be an opportunity for you to engage with learners on a personal level and learn more about their personalities, perspectives and lived experiences.

Take some time now to write a few EDI mission statements that you can begin implementing in your teaching practice. These statements do not need to be fully developed, but they will reflect your journey towards being more equitable and inclusive with your learners.

Take a moment to reflect on the content you have encountered in this module series.

What are some key concepts, terms, approaches that resonate most with you?