Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:
A Faculty Toolkit

Yuri A | Shutterstock

Closing Remarks

Teaching for belonging is grounded in a number of theoretical components including: establishing more inclusive norms for teaching; acknowledging Indigenous forms of learning and research as beneficial to all students; fostering a community that facilitates student goal setting; shifting away from assumptions that reinforce a homogeneous education; and grounding teaching and learning in responsiveness to students' identities​

Throughout this toolkit, you have likely found more questions than answers. EDI work is both process and product, with the product being the result of the process. And you are not done yet. You may not know concretely where you will end up, but it will be closer to “belonging” than if you stayed where you are. Expect that there are things you already know, some things you think you know, some things you may have thought about and other things that seem totally new.

As you continue in your practice, remember that this is a journey. Think of it as a road-trip where you are the driver. No one can carry you to your destination. There’s no plane, no train, no bus, no limousine. It is the responsibility of individual faculty to navigate their journey, to stop along the way and examine their own biases and knowledge. This toolkit is a map with guides set up as assistance along the way. Refer to this toolkit as needed as you move forward.