PASS (Peer Assisted Study Sessions) is a free academic support program with weekly scheduled, peer-led study sessions for academically challenging courses. PASS sessions help learners focus on effective study techniques in a relaxed learning environment outside of class. Sessions are facilitated by a PASS Leader, who is a current, upper year student who had already successfully completed the course.
Why should you attend PASS?
By attending PASS sessions you can benefit from:
- Connecting with other students studying in the same course.
- Having a dedicated weekly study time to help reinforce learning and retention of information.
- Maximizing your understanding of the subject with a peer leader.
- Learning and integrating study tools and successful exam techniques specific to your course.
- Applying effective study strategies and organizational tools to all of your courses.
Note: PASS is offered every semester for specific courses. You must be enrolled in the course to attend PASS sessions.
Meet the Fall 2024 PASS Leader Team
Meet the Fall 2024 Paramedic PASS Leader Team
Click here to see the Fall 2024 PASS Session Schedule
Interested in becoming a PASS Leader?
PASS Leaders are current full-time Humber and Guelph-Humber students who have taken PASS-approved courses and achieved 80% or higher in them. PASS Leaders will work closely with the instructor of the course to re-attend weekly lectures, and host weekly informal but structured study sessions focused on difficult concepts covered in class.
For more questions about the PASS program or to become a PASS leader, email