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Lactation Support Nursing

Certificate of Accomplishment

Program Code: CE0012

This certificate is designed for RNs or RPNs and those in related health disciplines employed in and/or seeking to advance their practice to support lactating persons, their infants and families. Content spans pregnancy through postpartum and the first year and beyond of infant life related to human milk feeding.

This certificate is based on the World Health Organization Code & Baby Friendly Initiative and the Detailed Content Outline (effective April 2023) of the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE®) in preparation of International Board Certified Lactation Consultant® (IBCLC®). Other significant foundations include the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Canadian Association of Perinatal and Women’s Health Nurses (CAPWHN), Perinatal nursing standards in Canada, and the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) competencies for perinatal and neonatal nurses.

Please note that the courses in this certificate need to be taken in a specific order. Check that you have obtained the necessary prerequisites prior to registering for a course. Learners without the necessary prerequisites will be removed from courses and charged the administrative fee.

Nurses with 400 hours worked in the postpartum unit of a maternal Level 2 or 3 hospital or within a breast/chest feeding clinic may PLAR the clinical placement course.

For details about the term schedule click here


Compulsory Courses

  • OBST 608: Human Milk Feeding Basics
  • OBST 610: Supporting Lactating Persons
  • OBST 611: Lactation Support: Infant
  • OBST 612: Advanced Techniques and Clinical Skills to Support Lactation
  • OBST 613: Communication for Empowerment
  • OBST 618: Lactation Support – Clinical

How to Register

You are required to register for each individual course included in a CE program. You can register for a course by selecting it and following the instructions in the “How to Register” box.


Each CE program is comprised of a series of courses which may all have different fees. You are required to register for each course individually and pay the associated fees. Once you select the course, the fee is displayed in the “How to Register” box.

Contact Information

Humber Continuous Professional Learning Health Sciences & Wellness
416.675.6622 ext. 4554

Every attempt is made to ensure that information contained on this website is current and accurate. Humber reserves the right to correct any error or omission, modify or cancel any course, program, fee, timetable or campus location at any time without prior notice or liability to users or any other Person. On October 21, 2019, the Provincial Government of Ontario announced the renaming of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU). Both names may appear on this website.

Select information only is included in this printable PDF. For complete program details, refer to

Print/Download Date: August 31, 2024