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Find out more about the fees and timelines associated with achieving your educational goals.

Continuous Professional Learning Registration Policies

By registering you agree to be aware of and pay the enrolment fees. You acknowledge and understand our payment procedures and deadlines to avoid unnecessary fines, interest, service charges or possible course deletions. You agree to drop all courses which you no longer plan to complete by the specified deadlines.

REFUND INFORMATION: Generally, there is a $25 non-refundable fee if you decide to drop the course before the specified Drop Date. However, some courseshave unique refund policies (such as those offered by the Transportation Training Centre). It is your responsibility to understand the Refund Policy before you register.

If you decide to Drop from your course, you must do this by logging into the CPL Learner Portal before the Drop Date. Drop/Transfer/Withdraw deadlines are also posted in your Learner Portal and are noted in your Registration Receipt email. Note: Leaving an email or phone message to request a Drop, Transfer or Withdrawal is not acceptable and will not be processed. There are exceptions to this policy for some courses/programs (such as those offered by the Transportation Training Centre where a request to Drop is required by written email request submitted to truck.info@humber.ca, up to 21 days before the start date). Check the website or call the contact number on the webpage for information if you are unsure.

If Humber cancels the course, a full refund will be granted.For refunds, where payment was made by Visa or MasterCard, a credit will be applied to the credit card that was used.

ACADEMIC REGULATIONS: These policies and procedures outline the requirements that Learners need to fulfill to uphold their academic responsibilities. It also provides an outline of the process involved in resolving academic issues. They apply to all Learners enrolled in any program or course offered by Humber at any location.

LEARNER CODE OF CONDUCT: The Code defines that Learners are responsible for acting in a manner that respects others and promotes their well-being and safety. Itoutlines individual and community expectations regarding Learner actions and behavior.

You may contact the Continuous Professional Learning office if you do not accept the Terms and/or if you require clarification.