- How do my students access Testing Services?
Effective Fall 2021, all tests and assessments written in the Test Centres are by appointment only.
Students can schedule their appointments through our Testing Services portal. If students are unsure how to access the portal, instructions are available here.
- How can I submit my test to Testing Services?
You can submit your test through Blackboard (for Humber faculty) or CourseLink (for Guelph-Humber faculty), and instructions are available by clicking here.
- Can non-accommodated students take their test in the Test Centre?
Yes, non-accommodated students can take their test in the Test Centre. Please note that non-accommodated students will book the same way that accommodated students do. If you have made restrictions via the “Release conditions” on Blackboard around who can access the Testing Services link, please ensure that these restrictions also include the approved non-accommodated students.
- I have submitted my test to Testing Services, what is next?
Once you have submitted your test, the test centre team will review it within 1 business day. Once you receive an automated email confirming your test is approved, please notify your students that they can book their test with Testing Services. Students can schedule their appointments through our Testing Services portal. If students are unsure how to access the portal, instructions are available here.
- How do I know if my Student has booked their test appointment?
After launching the Testing Services link from you Blackboard course, you will be directed to the test submission page. At the top right of this page, click on “History”. This will show you all your test submissions, as well as all the students who have booked a test for that submission.
- I have submitted my exam to the Test Centre, why can’t my students make an appointment?
There are a few possible reasons for this:
- The test has not yet been approved by the Test Centre staff. Only once it has been approved can students see the exam and book an appointment. The Test Centre team reviews and approves test submissions within 1 business day.
- The Testing Services link is not visible to the student. After you have integrated the Testing Services link into your course content, please switch the status from “Not visible to students” to “Visible to Students” or to “Release Conditions” and select the specific students who should have access to the Test Centre.
- The window for the exam has expired. Instructors set a 7-day window for the exam, and students must book 48 hours in advance. If on February 20, a student tries to book an exam for February 22, but the 7-day window for the exam ends on February 21, they will not be able to make an appointment.
- How can I restrict the date and time of my student's appointment?
Learners are able to book an appointment for their test within the 7-day window set by the instructor. This window is in place to enable access to specific resources within the Test Centre. Please speak with the learner directly if you have any concerns about the chosen date and time of their appointment.
- How can I restrict who has access to the Test Centre?
You can use "Release Conditions" on the Testing Services link on Blackboard to select the specific students who should have access to the Test Centre. More information can be found on our
, pages 9-11.
- Can a student book an appointment without faculty uploading an exam first?
No. Tests must be uploaded to our system before a student can book an appointment in the Test Centre. If the test does not exist within the system, the student is not able to book an appointment.
- How will I receive my completed tests?
All tests written electronically or on paper will be returned to your secure Humber or Guelph-Humber email address upon completion. If your test was administered within your LMS, it will be available for grading in the LMS once your student has completed it.
- Are students able to take an exam hosted on BlackBoard or CourseLink?
Yes, students can take a Blackboard or CourseLink exam in the Test Centre. However, please ensure to provide the password for the exam on your test submission, and ensure you have allotted the correct amount of time on the exam itself for students who require extra time as part of their accommodations.
- Can I test my class in the Test Centre, instead of during class time?
No, we do not do classroom testing. Our space is limited, and we must accommodate a wide range of tests.
- The student's accommodation letter states they need an electronic copy of the test, how do I submit this?
Electronic copies should be submitted in .docx (Word Document) or .rtf (Rich Text Format) file types and are submitted through the Blackboard or CourseLink portal.
- What is the difference between calculator choices on the submission form?
Testing Services wants to ensure students only have access to resources approved by you. Different programs have different expectations, which is why we seek clarity on the type of calculator students may have access to while testing. Faculty can choose from the following options:
- Basic - four function calculator (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
- Scientific - Multiple functions beyond above, including trig, exponents and logarithms
- Graphing - Will graph the function input, ability to solve integral calculus and matrices, may have memory storage
If you want to be very intentional about a specific calculator your students can use, please make note of it under Exam Instructions on the submission form.