Scheduling Tests

All seats within the Testing Services are booked through an appointment-based process. All scheduling of tests is conducted through an LMS integration within Humber’s Blackboard system and Guelph-Humber’s CourseLink system. This integration creates a seamless process for all faculty and learners, ensuring the correct exams are scheduled for learners within the correct courses.

For learners to schedule a test in the Test Centres, faculty must first make the test available. This is done in three steps, which are detailed below and in the attached Faculty Handbook.

  1. Integrating your course with Testing Services (for Humber faculty);
  2. Activating theTesting Services link (for Humber faculty);
  3. Submiting the exam.

This methodology provides learners with confidence in securing their writing dates and times and eliminates line-ups and crowds at our locations. This approach also ensures that specialized accommodations (where needed) requiring limited resources (e.g., individual testing rooms, large spaces to enable a reader/scribe, specialized adaptive software programs not available on all devices) are able to be offered as required to meet our shared duty to accommodate.

Course Integration and Exam Submission Guide

1. Course Integration (Humber faculty only):

  • Log in to your Blackboard account.
  • Access your course's Course Content page.
  • Navigate to Content Market.
  • Find the Testing Services Tool.
  • Click the "+" sign on the bottom right of the Testing Services Tool.
  • This action will take you back to the content page of your course.
  • Testing Services is now integrated into your course.
  • Repeat this process for all your courses.

2. Activating the Link (Humber faculty only):

  • Ensure the Testing Services link is set to "Visible to students" or set "Release Conditions" for specific students.
  • Repeat this process for all your courses.

3. Submitting an Exam (Humber and GH faculty):

  • Click on the Testing Services link in your Course Content (for GH faculty, this is located on the menu bar of your course on CourseLink).
  • You will be directed to the Test Submission page.
  • Click on the blue "+" sign at the top right corner.
  • You will be directed to the Submission Builder page.
  • Add all the required information, including the test name, the course, start and end dates for the booking period, the test duration, test documents, and exam instructions.
  • Click "Submit."

Upon successful submission, you'll receive a confirmation message. Our Testing Services team will review it within one business day and notify you of any issues. Once approved, you'll receive a confirmation email, and your learners can begin booking the exam by clicking on the Testing Services link in their course content.

Important Information

  • A test cannot be booked in the Test Centre by a learner without faculty submitting a test first. 
  • Learners require 36h advance notice to book.
  • Learners will be able to complete their tests/assessments within a 7-day window (established by the instructor) in order to enable access to resources within Testing Services.
  • Instructors will receive a confirmation email each time a student books an exam. This email will provide the student's name, the exam date and time, as well as any accommodations activated for the exam.
  • Missed/conflict testing is available at the Test Centre and learners can book their appointment using the exact same process as accommodated learners.

More detailed instructions about integrating, submitting a test, and booking a test can be found in this Faculty Handbook (UGH faculty - skip to part 3 of this handbook).

Step by Step Instructional Videos can be found to Integrate a Course and Submit a Test.

Exams Hosted on Blackboard

If a student's exam is hosted on Blackboard and requires additional time, professors must adjust the time limit accordingly to accommodate their extra time. Additionally, professors must ensure that the exam is active for the specified date and time of the appointment. Please be aware that Testing Services staff do not have access to faculty courses and, as a result, cannot modify test access.

More information about setting up accommodations can be found here and about granting exam exceptions can be found here.