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Submission Number: 368
Submission ID: 368
Submission UUID: 73d0ce06-2790-4072-9ea1-90ebe962893a

Created: Fri, 03/11/2022 - 23:41
Completed: Fri, 03/11/2022 - 23:47
Changed: Fri, 03/11/2022 - 23:47

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Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Title of Artwork Cadmium Red Lighter
Photo of Artwork
Submission Category Painting
Mediums used to create artwork. Select ALL that apply. Acrylic Paint
Size of Artwork in inches. Length x Width x Height (i.e. 12 x 8 x 6) 12 x 16 x 0.3
Is this an Original Piece or a Reproduction? Original Piece
Art Description (What inspired you to create the artwork?) For this painting, I was instructed to pick an object and paint it in a monochromatic palette. I tried to find a white object for awhile and finally found a white lighter. I decided to paint it with cadmium red paint because I like how rich it looks and its scale. This painting is very special to me as it was a good learning experience. Even though I know I can learn from it and improve, it never fails to make me feel good when I look at it. My favourite part about it is the background colour and how it contrasts with the subject and pulls the entire painting together. With myths and stories that follow the subject’s reputation, this makes it forgetful in this rendition; Captured in a rich cool red surface, bordering a light pink lighter painted in various shades and tints. Each brushstroke moving with the form of the lighter all in all making it a bold piece that will capture one’s eye.
What year was the artwork created? 2021
First Name Luxshana
Last Name Jegarajah
Student Number (i.e. N01234567)
Program of Study Art Foundation
Campus Lakeshore Campus
How did you hear about the Art Show? Email
Date Submitted 07-03-2022
Juror's Pick