Green Building Standards

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Climate Action
Humber Lakeshore Student Welcome and Resource Centre building

In the Fall of 2023, Humber College introduced Green Building Standards that mandate sustainability requirements for the various types of construction projects at the institution. These standards contribute to the college's various strategic plans and initiatives, including the Integrated Energy Master Plan and Climate Action Plan's commitment to achieve Net Zero by 2050. 

The four Green Building Standards documents can be found for download in the list below. To support an accelerated transition to a decarbonized built environment, the Standards are made publicly available with the hopes that they can inspire and be improved on by others.

The Green Building Standards establish clear deliverables that must be met by the design and construction teams. Sustainability requirements vary according to the size and complexity of projects.

Project Types

To standardize the requirements, projects are divided into four main project types summarized below: 

  1. Type A – New Buildings, Additions & Major Renovations - Large (>2500m2, >$15M)
    This project type applies to larger new buildings or major building renovations. Typically, these projects would impact over 2,500m2 of floor area or have a capital budget exceeding $15M. 
  1. Type B – New Buildings, Additions & Major Renovations - Small (<2500m2, <$15M)
    This project type applies to smaller new buildings, additions or major building renovations. Typically, these projects would impact less than 2,500m2 of floor area or have a capital budget below $15M. 
  1. Type C – Interior Renovations & Fit-Outs - Large (>$3M)
    This project type applies to larger interior renovations & fit-outs that have a capital budget exceeding $3M.    
  1. Type D – Interior Renovations & Fit-Outs – Small ($100k to $3M)
    This project type applies to smaller interior renovations & fit-outs that have a capital budget below $3M.   

For other resources related to how Humber is decarbonizing, access the Integrated Energy Master Plan and Resources and Reports pages. 

Get Involved

There are many ways to make individual and community impact. We're here to support you! Contact us, follow us, come and meet us:
The Office of Sustainability, E103 (North Campus)

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