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Course Outline Search

Welcome to the new Course Outline Search Tool. We are currently in the process of completing this resource, if the outline you are looking for is not available, please contact your academic faculty (see below for details).

Search by Course Name or Code

About Course Outlines

white line icon of the papers stacked and fanned out with a blue circle background

The Purpose of a Course Outline

A course outline is a legal binding document that communicates important information, such as learning outcomes, course expectations, and grading structures. Both instructor and student are obligated to follow the content of the syllabus.

white line icon of a thumbs up with a blue background

Benefits of a Course Outline

Course outlines are used to see if a course you took may be equivalent in learning outcomes, course content, labs, etc. to transfer to or from another postsecondary institution.

white line icon of an x with a circle around it with a blue background

Course Outline Not Available

If the outline you are looking for is not available, please contact your academic faculty for core course outlines. For math, english or diploma and degree electives, contact the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences Main Office at 416-675-6622. ext. 74313.

Looking for Course Outlines From Another Institution?

ONCAT's province-wide syllabi/outline index! As retrieval of course syllabi/outlines is a unique process at each institution, the user-friendly search provides a high level overview, unique weblinks, and any specific rules/procedures that may exist.