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Have Questions?

Check our frequently asked questions first for fast answers to questions about Transfer Credit, Diploma to Degree and Diploma to Diploma Transfers. If you don't see your answer, you can book an online or in-person appointment with an advisor.

Applying for Transfer Credit

Course outlines are used to help assess course learning outcomes for transfer credit and PLAR. They should be provided to you by the institution which delivered your course and should include the following:

  • Name of the institution
  • Course Name or title
  • Course Code
  • Course Year
  • Course Description
  • Prerequisites, Co-requisites and course equivalencies
  • Course Restrictions
  • Class Hours
  • Credit Value
  • Program outcomes
  • Learning Outcomes
  • Employability Skills
  • Learning resources
  • Required materials
  • Prescribed texts
  • Modes of Evaluation
  • Course Content (which may include labs, evaluations and methodology)
  • PLAR Eligibility

  1. Individual Transfer Credit is awarded to students who have completed a similar or equivalent course at another postsecondary institution that is considered equal in content or academic value.
  2. Block Transfer usually occurs when a group of courses taken at a sending institution is equivalent to a group of courses required at the receiving institution. Please visit Transfer Within - Foundation/GAS Programs for Humber’s Pathway Options.

Transfer credit will normally be assessed for core courses completed within 5 years of the transfer credit application and for general education, breadth, English and Mathematics courses completed within 10 years of the transfer credit application.

Transfer credit will be awarded for approved courses with a minimum grade of 60% (C-) or equivalent except in the case of transfer from diploma level to degree-level programs where a minimum of 65% (C+) is required. Some exceptions by program may be required at the direction of regulatory bodies.

Bachelor of Science, Nursing (core courses): the minimum grade for a certificate or diploma to degree transfer credit is 75%*

Bachelor of Science Nursing, Second Entry Preparation: the minimum grade for degree level transfer credits is 75%

Bachelor of Engineering Degrees (core courses): the minimum grade for a degree to degree transfer credit is 70%*

*Breadth electives: follow the regular grade requirements

The charge for processing Transfer Credits is $25.00 for one course, $50.00 for two courses, and $75.00 for three or more courses when submitted at the same time. The charge for processing transfer credits is non-refundable, regardless of the result of the application and actual courses granted an exemption.

Transfer from Another Ontario College or University

If you are applying for Transfer Credits with previous education taken in Ontario, please go to your MyHumber Account and click on Transfer Application.

Transfer credit applications and supporting documents must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar four weeks prior to the start of term. If your application is received after this time, it may interfere with the last day to add and drop courses (Please see the Academic Calendar).

Applicants are encouraged to apply for transfer credit(s) prior to registration to avoid making changes to schedule. All applicants are expected to register and attend all required courses until the results have been confirmed.

Transfer From an Out of Province or International College or University

We are currently accepting applications through email at transferoptions@humber.ca.

Transfer credit applications and supporting documents must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar four weeks prior to the start of term. If your application is received after this time, it may interfere with the last day to add and drop courses (Please see the Academic Calendar).

  1. Please send all required documentation including: your completed transfer credit application form. Please save the application form on your computer before filling it in. This prevents a blank form from being sent.
  2. Detailed course outline(s)
  3. Transcripts, World Education Services (WES) course-by-course evaluations or International Credit Assessment Services of Canada (ICAS) course-by-course evaluations can be submitted through the following options:
    • Ontariocolleges.ca
    • For transcripts, have your previous post-secondary institution email it to transferoptions@humber.ca.
    • For WES evaluations you can make them available to us virtually through AccessWES. Humber’s account is admissions@humber.ca.
    • Mail: If you choose to mail your transcripts or other documents, delays may occur. You may want to consider using Priority Post or Express Post, giving you the ability to track your package. Note: this is not mandatory as regular mail is also accepted.
      The two main campus addresses are as follows:
      1. Humber North Campus

        205 Humber College Blvd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. M9W 5L7
      2. Humber Lakeshore Campus

        2 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Dr., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. M8V 4B6
      Your package should be addressed to - Attention: Office of the Registrar - Transfer Services

Applicants are encouraged to apply for transfer credit(s) prior to registration to avoid making changes to their schedule at a later date. All applicants are expected to register and attend all required courses until the results have been confirmed.

Transfer credit applications and supporting documents must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar four weeks prior to the start of term. Applicants are encouraged to apply for transfer credits prior to registration to avoid making changes to their schedule. All applicants are expected to register and attend all required courses until results have been confirmed. If your application is received after this time, it may interfere with the last day to add and drop courses (Please see the Academic Calendar).

Yes, students can apply for transfer credit if they have completed courses at a recognized institution outside of Canada. Students are required to:

Transfer Credit Approval

After submission it may take 1-4 weeks to process your application and for a decision to be made. Students may track the status of their transfer request through the online student portal by viewing their Academic Progress report through MyHumber.

Results can be viewed on the Academic Progress Report through your MyHumber account.

The grade of your transfer credit(s) can help you determine its status:

  • IP (In-Progress), still being reviewed
  • RCA (Reviewed, credit approved), waiting for student to accept approved transfer credit
  • RCD (Reviewed, credit denied), check petition section of Academic Progress for the rationale
  • TRC (Completed transfer credit), approved transfer credit was accepted by student

Learn more about dropping a course.

Application documents are kept on file for one year. However, every new transfer credit request requires a new application form.

Diploma to Diploma

If the courses are at the same credential level: e.g., diploma to diploma, simply contact your Program Coordinator to discuss the possibility of a course substitution. If the course substitution is approved, they would then create a Student Action Form (SAF), and a Records Advisor will handle your request.

Apply through ontariocolleges.ca, once you have an offer, follow the transfer process found on Transfer Credits under the “Transfer from Another Ontario College or University” tab.

If you’ve completed at least one year of the diploma, you could receive one year of credit in Humber’s program. Find more information on the Diploma to Diploma page.

Specific Course Credit Transfer

We recognize institutions where the language of instruction is English. Please submit a Degree Holder form to transferoptions@humber.ca. If you have submitted your conferred degree transcript through ontariocolleges.ca, a Student Mobility Advisor will be able to access it directly. No fee is required for an exemption.

For General Electives, the last course to which transfer credit applies is normally GNED 101: An Introduction to Arts and Sciences. For example, if a student qualifies for two General Elective transfer credits and is in a program that requires two General Elective courses and GNED 101, the student would still have to take the GNED 101 course to satisfy the program requirements; in this case, only if a third transfer credit is granted, would an exemption from GNED 101 be granted.

General Education (diploma level) courses are intended to train graduates to be analytical thinkers and effective communicators in whatever career they have chosen. For more information and course offerings, please visit General Elective courses.

Breadth Electives are designed to broaden and deepen the expertise of degree graduates by exposing them to knowledge, ways of thinking, and methodologies outside their areas of specialization. For more information and course offerings, please visit Degree Breadth Elective Info - Humber College.

Recognition of credit from a lower-level credential (diploma, advanced diploma or degree) into an Ontario Graduate Certificate is not permitted. To transfer credit(s) into an Ontario Graduate Certificate students can only use credits from another Ontario Graduate Certificate, a Master's program or PHD level.

Credential to Credential 

If the courses are at the same credential level: e.g., diploma to diploma, simply contact your Program Coordinator to discuss the possibility of a course substitution. If the course substitution is approved, they would then create a Student Action Form (SAF), and a Records Advisor will handle your request.

Diploma to Degree

If the courses are degree to diploma or certificate: Please follow the instructions found on Transfer Credits under the “Transfer from Another Ontario College or University” tab.

Apply through ontariocolleges.ca, once you have an offer, follow the transfer process found on Transfer Credits under the “Transfer from Another Ontario College or University” tab. Note: there is no charge for Guelph Humber students applying for transfer credits.

Diploma to Degree

Humber does recognize diploma to degree individual transfer credit requests for some courses. The minimum grade requirement is 65% (C+).

* Some programs may require other minimum grades. Please see" Are there minimum grade exceptions?" for more details.

The overall GPA in the related diploma program must be a minimum of 65% in order to be eligible for the degree block transfer. Applicants must also possess the required English and Math courses. Please visit the pathways module database to learn more.

Students who graduated from a related diploma program more than 5 years ago are still eligible to apply for the block transfer, but your curriculum will need to be reassessed by the academic school and additional back courses may be needed.

Domestic: Contact admissions@humber.ca for next steps

International: Contact the International department for next steps

If you do not meet the block requirements, you may be eligible to apply for individual transfer credits for the Liberal Arts & Science Breadth Electives if you have a course grade of 65% or more. Please email transferoptions@humber.ca for more details.

There will not be an admission test to get into the degree program from the diploma.

All applications received on or before February 1 will be given equal consideration in the admission process. Post-February 1 applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis depending on the availability of space in the program.

Students may be eligible to apply for individual transfer credit if they don’t meet the block requirements. Please contact transferoptions@humber.ca for more details.


Please note: Not all academic schools at Humber grant degree level credit for diploma level course.

Successful applicants with an overall cumulative grade point average of 80% or above in their college certificate or diploma will be automatically awarded the $1,500 or $2,500 scholarship after they have paid their tuition deposit.


  • Learners with an active offer of admission to a Humber program or a current Humber student
  • Learners that have prior work, life experience, volunteer, formal, informal or non-formal learning that is relevant to your current courses or program of study
  • Learners with prior post-secondary education should first check eligibility for transfer credit before applying for PLAR
  • Students who have failed a course at Humber are not eligible for PLAR. A student needs to wait one year from the semester they failed the course and have evidence of additional learning within that year from work or life experiences to request PLAR again.

  • For general inquires or guidance on the PLAR process you can book an appointment with a Student Mobility Advisor.

    Students can also contact their Program Coordinator once they are confident, they have the skills and learning they may need to challenge the course through PLAR. To find their contact, please visit the program page of your choice and click on “Contact Us”.
  • For all elective, English, and math courses, please contact liberalstudies@humber.ca
  • Please note, 100-level English courses (WRIT/ESOL/CORE) are not eligible for PLAR
  • WRIT 200 PLAR Requirements  Prior Learning (PLAR) - Humber Polytechnic

  • SAT grade: If you are submitting a learning portfolio, you will receive an SAT grade that will not affect your GPA.
  • Numerical grade: If you are attempting a Challenge Exam, you will receive a numerical grade (percentage) if you pass the exam. This will affect your GPA.
  • Failed PLAR attempts will not be recorded on the student transcript.

Credit for courses obtained through PLAR may normally replace no more than 50% of the course credits required for any degree program and 75% required for any diploma or certificate program.

Check the section named "Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition PLAR) on the Humber course outline.

Degree Holders in Humber Diploma Programs

Yes, if you are in a diploma program at Humber and you have a completed degree where the language of instruction is English, you are eligible to apply for WRIT 100 and your general education electives ( GNED). Please fill out the following form and a student mobility advisor will process your request. Some restrictions may apply. A transfer advisor will connect with you.

Need Advice?

Get One-on-one Advice on Your Transfer Options

Grab 15 minutes with a transfer advisor to discuss your Transfer Credit(s), Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR), and Pathways.

Don't see a date available? Need to contact a transfer advisor, request forms in an alternate format, or get more information? Email us:

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We have an event for everyone! We host a number of events each year to help you explore your options to transfer in, transfer within and transfer out of Humber.