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Course Upload Tutorial

Course Upload

The purpose of this tool is to create an efficient way for Humber to manage course inventory data in HQ. The upload function will allow the Humber User to select fields to update courses and replace data in batches. The data will be automatically backed up prior to each upload. Uploads can be completed as many times as required. Timestamped archives will be kept for each upload result.

1. Login to Humber HQ -


hq login

2. Go to Course Inventory (Top Menu)


hq home page

3. Click Course Inventory Upload (Side Menu)


course inventory

Course Upload Process

4. The user can select a field they would like to update the Course Inventory Data with (each field will have to be done individually):

  • Credit - Credit value for the course. 3 Credits = Courses of 42 to 70 hours in duration.
  • Name - The official course name as it appears in the program. The name is limited to 256 characters.
  • Faculty - The name of the faculty offering the courses. The Faculty refers to one of eight separate divisions offering unique programs of study within Humber ITAL.
  • Hours - The total number of hours scheduled on each student’s timetable for this course. For example, a three period per week lecture course delivered over 15 weeks is considered 45 hours.
  • Level - The course categorization can be Postsecondary - Degree, Postsecondary - Non Degree or Non Postsecondary.
  • Restrictions - If the course is restricted to certain students. For example, you might state that this course is only open to students in the Faculty of Social and Community Services.
  • Delete - Batch list to delete courses from the course inventory.
  • Add - Batch list to add new courses to the course inventory.

*Note: The fields can be chosen in any particular order


course data upload

5. Ensure the file is in CSV format and contains fields in this order:

  1. id - The id of the course
  2. year - The academic year of the course
  3. course code - The official course code
  4. RO Field (the same one chosen from above) - the field that needs to change for given course in course inventory
  5. Ommit the field that has the current/old field value in the CSV - that column is not needed


excel sheet

6. Click Upload


courses data upload

Course Upload BackUps & Archives

7. Before the upload takes place a backup of the HQ database will be created and stored automatically


backup list

8. After the upload takes place there will be a report on the results automatically shown under the course upload form


courses data upload

9. After the user selects a field from the dropdown, an Archive button will show on the top right

a. The Archive section will collect a full list of uploads and results that have occurred within that field


archive list

b. After clicking View Results, the results of the specified upload will show on a new page


archive result list

Manage Course

After the course upload feature was installed - only certain fields are editable in the Manage Course section.

  1. Developed By - the name of the individual completing and or editing the course outline
  2. Schedule Type Code
  3. Co-Requisite(s) - any courses that a student must be taking at the same time as this course
  4. Pre-Requisite(s) for - if this course is required in order to take another course
  5. Equates - if this course is equivalent to another course(s) offered at Humber College
  6. Modality - Hybrid or face-to-face
  7. School Logo
  8. Faculty - the name(s) of the faculty who will be assigned to teach the course in the upcoming term
  9. Faculty Email
  10. Faculty Availability - the office hours outside of class time when faculty teaching the course will be available to meet with students
  11. Prepared By - the name of the individual completing and/or editing the course outline. Include the person's full name and highest credential
  12. Course Specific Policies and Expectations - any policies or expectations that are unique to this course
  13. Research Activity


course in hq

Course Data Procedure/Order

In order to minimize risk and manage the course inventory in HQ - this order should be used when updating course data:

1. Update SOS DB with course information (sos_bnr_course, sos_bnr_course_catalog_attribute, sos_course_offering, sos_course_prereq)



2. Update Course Inventory data using Course Upload feature (located inside Course Inventory)


course data upload

3. Update Course Sections using CE Section Data Import (located inside Settings -> Course Inventory)


course sections in HQ

Course Upload & Pre-Requisites

The pre-requisites for each course are pulled directly from the table: sos_course_prereq in the SOS database.

These pre-requisites appear in these locations:


1. Course View


view course

2. Course Outline Views


course outline

3. Course Outline - Step 1


course info


4. Front-end Course Specific Page


course page

5. Front-end Course Search from Continuous Professional Learning and Online Learning


course dropdown