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Program Information and Advertising Policy

Effective Date: July 31, 2013
Downloadable Version: PDF ICON Program Information and Advertising Policy
Related Procedure(s): PDF ICON Program Advertising Complaint Procedure
  This document is available in alternate format on request.


The Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning (hereafter referred to as “Humber”) shall ensure that:

  • all marketing relating to its programs, whether undertaken directly by Humber or indirectly by persons or entities acting on Humber’s behalf or in partnership or other arrangements with Humber, reflect accurate and comprehensive representation of the program or programs; and

  • a process exists to receive and review complaints regarding college advertising and marketing of college programs.


This policy applies to all Humber staff, academic partners and agents, applicants and current students concerning program advertising and marketing.




  1. All Humber advertising and marketing claims and representations shall be supportable.
  2. Humber shall not advertise or accept students into Ministry funded programs prior to program approval from the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.
  3. An individual shall have the right to request a review of Humber’s published program information and advertising.
  4. Humber will respond to a formal complaint within 30 days of the initial receipt of the written complaint.
  5. Humber shall provide a summary of such complaints in the Annual Report.


Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, College of Applied Arts and Technology Policy Framework, Framework for Programs of Instruction, Appendix D

Canadian Code of Advertising Standards