Faculty Academic/Professional Credential Requirements Policy
Effective Date: | December 13, 2021 |
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This policy outlines the academic and/or professional credentials required of teaching staff at the Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning (hereafter referred to as “Humber” or “the College”).
This applies to all College full-time and contract teaching staff.
Academic Credentials: a credential from an accredited postsecondary institution that indicates that the person has successfully completed a particular course of study (e.g. bachelors, masters, doctorate degree).
Professional Credentials: a credential from a certifying or regulatory body warranting that the professional or tradesperson has the essential knowledge and skills of a specified domain necessary for an appropriate and safe practice of the profession or trade.
Breadth Courses: courses outside of the core field of study which are taken as electives.
1. Academic Credential Requirements
All Programs
1.1. Normally, academic staff teaching within a given program are required to hold an academic credential at least one credential higher than the level of the credential which the student will earn upon graduation from the given program.
1.2. Teaching staff, teaching within a given program may also be required to possess recognized qualifications/endorsements and expertise, and where relevant, be practitioners.
Degree Programs
1.3. All teaching staff teaching core courses in a degree program:
1.3.1. Their credential must be related to the discipline of the course(s) being taught.
1.3.2. It will be an advanced academic credential, normally the terminal credential, at least one credential higher than a baccalaureate in the field study or in a closely related field/discipline; and
1.3.3. No fewer than 50 percent of the teaching staff teaching core courses within a given degree program will hold the terminal academic credential in the field of study or in a closely related field/discipline.
1.4 All teaching staff teaching breadth courses:
1.4.1. Will hold an advanced academic credential, normally the terminal credential but at least one credential higher than a baccalaureate in the field of study or in a closely related field/discipline; and
1.4.2. No fewer than 50 percent of the faculty members teaching non-core courses within a given degree program will hold the terminal academic credential in the field of study or in a closely related field/discipline.
1.5 Any exceptions to the above must:
1.5.1. Be based on the absence of a related program credential in a post-secondary institution or other extraordinary circumstances; and
1.5.2. Be justified in writing with specific reference to the credential requirements of this policy and approved by the President, or, on explicit delegation, the College’s senior academic officer.
2. Verification of Academic Credential(s)
Teaching staff must provide evidence to the College of their credential(s). Credentials issued from institutions outside of Canada will be evaluated for purposes of teaching in all Humber College programs. International credentials must be proven to meet the standard of similarly named credentials offered by Canadian institutions. The College will hold on file verification that the highest academic credential claimed was actually awarded. Normally academic credentials must be released directly to the College by the awarding institution.
3. Professional Credential Requirements
Normally, teaching staff in those fields where a professional accreditation, registration or license is required will be expected to hold that accreditation, professional registration or license to teach. For example, teaching staff teaching nursing subjects are required to be registered with the College of Nurses of Ontario; teaching staff teaching accounting are required to hold a CGA, CA, CMA, or the equivalent. In those fields where accreditation is not mandatory, teaching staff will be expected to hold the related accreditation or commit to pursue it within a five-year period.
4. Work Experience
Teaching staff teaching courses that are directly workplace related are required to have a minimum of five years appropriate experience in the field.
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