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Smoke-Free Campus Policy

Effective Date: January 1, 2019
  This document is available in alternate format on request.


The Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning and the University of Guelph-Humber (hereinafter referred to as the “College” or “Humber”) aims to ensure a healthy working and learning environment for the College Community and recognizes the health hazards associated with smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke.

The purpose of this Policy is to ensure support for a healthy environment for the College Community and ensures compliance with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017, the Cannabis Control Act, 2017 and local by-laws.

Humber College is a smoke free campus effective January 1, 2019.

This document is available in alternate format on request.


This Policy applies to all members of the Humber community including: all students, employees, faculty, contractors, visitors, leasehold tenants or other persons on College Property or in College owned vehicles.


College Community: All students, employees, contractors, the general public and other visitors to the College.

College Property: Any real property, including grounds and buildings, structures and facilities, which are owned or leased, or used under the direction of the College including University of Guelph-Humber and the Arboretum. This includes any vehicle and/or boat used by the College, and all College Residences.

Electronic Cigarette/Vapour Product: An e-cigarette, vaporizer or inhalant-type device, whether called an electronic cigarette or any other name, that contains a power source and heating element designed to heat a substance and produce a vapour intended to be inhaled by the user of the device directly through the mouth, whether or not the vapour contains nicotine.

Smoking: Smoking tobacco or other materials and holding lit tobacco or other materials intended for smoking (e.g.: cigarettes, cannabis); includes all types of e-cigarettes, vaping or any other implement or device used to emulate the act of smoking which involves the production of any airborne contaminants or substances including the use of pipes, water pipes, hookahs, holders, or other instruments used for similar purposes.


  1. Smoking is prohibited on College Property including all campuses, buildings, spaces, grounds, including residence facilities and all vehicles and/or boats owned or leased by the College, subject to the exceptions outlined in Section 5.
  2. The smoking of cannabis is not permitted on College Property.
  3. The College shall post no-smoking signs at building entrances and exits as required under local by-laws.
  4. The sale and/or promotion of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vapour products, tobacco, tobacco products including flavoured tobacco products, cannabis, cannabis products, and smoking products on College Property is prohibited.
  5. Exceptions to this Policy include:
    • 5.1. Special exemptions, as defined by the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017, are considered in relation to an Indigenous event, ceremony, or other request, for the use of tobacco, sage, sweet grass or other material and permits the use in approved spaces of the College, (e.g.: smudging ceremony). In the case of an Indigenous event, a designated space within the Aboriginal Resource Centre (the “ARC”) or elsewhere, shall be approved for use by the ARC following consultation with the Department of Public Safety only for purposes in relation to an Indigenous ceremony or cultural event.
    • 5.2. Members of the College Community that have been prescribed medicinal cannabis that request medical accommodation may be accommodated on a case-by-case basis following a review of the request and in accordance with applicable laws and College Policy.
  6. Every member of the College Community has a responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all. Within the scope of their responsibilities, administrators and the Department of Public Safety’s Security Personnel have a general duty to ensure Policy compliance and are expected to appropriately address concerns brought to their attention regarding Policy violations.
  7. Failure to comply with this Policy will result in applicable action by the Department of Public Safety and other College staff as outlined below:
    • 7.1. Violations of this Policy should be reported directly to any College Security Personnel, or by calling the Department of Public Safety Security Operations Control Centre at extension 8500 or by dialing 416-675-8500.
    • 7.2. Individuals found in violation of this Policy may be subject to remedial action as outlined below:
      • 7.2.1. In the case of an employee or faculty member, violations will be reviewed by the respective manager and Human Resources Department in accordance with applicable collective agreements and/or terms and conditions of employment;
      • 7.2.2. In the case of a student, violations will be reviewed by the Office of Student Conduct in accordance with the College’s Code of Student Conduct;
      • 7.2.3. In the case of vendors, contractors, leasehold tenants or other third parties, violations will be reviewed by the applicable Faculty or Department, in consultation with the Department of Public Safety and Department of Legal and Risk Management in accordance with sanctions available in contracts, agreements and law. 
  8. In addition to actions outlined in Section 7 of this Policy, failure to comply with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 while on College Property may result in fines as issued by a Municipal Tobacco By-law Enforcement Officer. Individuals may be subject to personal fines levied as a result of non-compliance. 
  9. In support of a healthy working and learning environment, the College is committed to assisting members of the College community with smoking cessation efforts and accordingly offer where possible, access to resources, education and other supports for those who wish to reduce or stop their use of tobacco products. Supports will be made available through the College’s Health and Counselling Services and Human Resources Department.
