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Social Media Policy

Effective Date: November 1, 2023
Downloadable Version: PDF ICON Social Media Policy
Related Procedure(s): Social Media Procedure
  This document is available in alternate format on request.


The Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning and the University of Guelph-Humber (hereinafter referred to as “Humber” or “the College”) aim to ensure the responsible use of paid and organic social media by the Humber community in order to build authentic engagement and social interaction in support of Humber’s mission, vision and values. The policy is intended to govern the creation, management and use of social media accounts belonging to the College, its Faculties, departments and sanctioned groups or clubs.

The purpose of the college’s Social Media Policy is to outline the acceptable adoption and use of social media platforms across the college and to ensure that Humber community members understand their responsibilities when managing and interacting on social media platforms.

This document is available in alternate format on request.


This Policy applies to the following members of the Humber community: all employees, staff, faculty, contract employees and student employees (including work study, interns etc.). It is applicable specifically with respect to Humber-owned social media accounts and any accounts intended to represent the college.

The College has limited jurisdiction to influence behaviours of external parties and their messages and comments on posts on social media. The College will not always be able to guarantee that unwanted behaviours of others will be addressed or eliminated, but best efforts will be made to protect the safety and well-being of Humber community members.


Affiliated Professional Social Media Account: Social media accounts for Humber employees who post, interact and share information on social media platforms on behalf of Humber or related on- or off-campus activities and initiatives that are affiliated with/connected to their role at the College and include “Humber College” or Humber in the handle and/or name (e.g., @HumberPresident on X, formerly known as Twitter.).

Affiliated Secondary Social Media Account: An official social media account that is owned and managed by a College department, academic area, program or another unit (e.g. @sustainhumber on X, formerly known as Twitter, representing Humber’s Department of Sustainability).

Blog: A blog post is a regular entry of commentary, descriptions of events/activities or other materials such as graphics, photos or videos available online.

Hate Speech: There are three separate hatred-related offences in the Criminal Code of Canada: section 318 (advocating genocide), section 319(1) (public incitement of hatred), and section 319(2) (wilful promotion of hatred).

Live Video: A live video broadcast with enabled viewer interaction from a social media platform.

Personal Social Media Account: Social media accounts for Humber employees or students’ personal use, which do not represent the College.

Post: Any user-generated information or content shared on a social media site.

Primary Social Media Account: A single account on a social media platform that represents Humber as a whole rather than a College department, academic area, program or another unit (e.g., @HumberCollege on X, formerly known as Twitter).

Social Media Liaison: Individual(s) responsible for coordinating social media efforts on behalf of their Faculty, program, department, etc. Social Media Liaison activities include (but may not be limited to) managing and monitoring accounts, ensuring that the Social Media Policy and Procedure and the Terms of Service on each social media channel are followed, and are responsible for the content published by their social media account(s).

Social Media: Online platforms that allow users to generate and share content and information publicly. This includes, but is not limited to, platforms such as Discord, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat, Threads, TikTok, Tumblr, Twitch, WhatsApp, WeChat, VK, X (formerly known as Twitter), YouTube and blogs.

Terms of Service: This is the agreement between the social media site and the user. Almost all social media sites require users to acknowledge their acceptance of the terms of service prior to being given access to the site’s services.


  1. Humber community members are required to use social media in a responsible and professional manner in accordance with Humber’s Values, Policies and Procedures, overall academic responsibility, and provincial and federal laws as applicable. Community members may share or comment on Humber social media posts.
  2. Personal Social Media Accounts should never be used to communicate or act as a voice or spokesperson on behalf of the College or any part of the College. This includes not sharing private or privileged information outside of the College. Social media platforms, regardless of how such platforms are accessed, should never be used for:
    • 2.1. Conducting operational business transactions on behalf of the College, including but not limited to securing or payment of merchandise and/or services, discussing contract terms and discussing or providing grades to students;
    • 2.2. Matters pertaining to confidential information or private information about Humber or Humber community members including students, prospective students, employees, faculty, contractors, donors or alumni.
  3. Members of the Humber community who express personal opinions on Personal Social Media Accounts are strongly encouraged to indicate that their opinions are personal and that they are not speaking on behalf of Humber, or as indicated in Collective Agreements. Members of the Humber community should not use the college’s Primary, Affiliated Secondary and Affiliated Professional Social Media Accounts to legitimize or share personal opinions.
  4. The Department of Government Relations, Marketing and Communications (GRMC):
    • 4.1. Is the lead social media account holder for Humber’s Primary Social Media Accounts. GRMC is the designated Humber Social Media Liaison providing oversight to College social media accounts and guidance to Humber’s departments, Faculties and the University of Guelph-Humber Social Media Liaisons on social media best practices and guidelines.
    • 4.2. Is responsible for maintaining the master list of all Affiliated Secondary and Professional Social Media Accounts, their account holders and login credentials for continuity and/or security reasons. Social media account login information shall be kept confidential and stored in an encrypted and secure location.
    • 4.3. Can recommend the suspension or deactivation of any accounts that have remained inactive and/or dormant for four weeks or more.
    • 4.4. Can direct Affiliated Secondary Social Media Accounts in the event of an emergency regarding the type of content to be posted including emergency-related information and updates, in conjunction with the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Management.
  5. Affiliated Secondary and Affiliated Professional Social Media Accounts:
    • 5.1. Will be managed and maintained by the applicable Faculty or Department that created them:
      • 5.1.1. If a Humber Affiliated Secondary or Affiliated Professional Social Media Account is managed by a third party, this must be reported to GRMC and approved by the Senior Dean/Director/designate of the Faculty or Department. The Faculty or Department that created the account(s) are responsible for the account’s content and activity. Any third-party management of such accounts should only be permitted under a Humber-approved legal agreement duly.
    • 5.2. The Senior Dean/Director/designate of the respective Faculty or Department is responsible for ensuring that employees managing their Humber Affiliated Secondary or Affiliated Professional Social Media Account(s) have read and understand this Social Media Policy and the accompanying Social Media Procedure (collectively referred to as the Social Media Playbook).
    • 5.3. Accounts must adequately reflect their connection to Humber through consistent messaging and website links which conform to Humber brand standards to ensure consistent brand identity across all channels. This includes (but is not limited to) accurate branding and identification in public account descriptions, bios, profile information, logos, avatars and profile icons.
    • 5.4. Account must be registered with GRMC, including confidential login information and account holder details for the Social Media Liaison. This information may be used in the event of an emergency, temporary suspension, deactivation or where the Social Media Liaison is inaccessible or no longer employed by Humber.
    • 5.5. Account should maintain consistent activity (approximately one post per week). Inactivity and lack of consistent monitoring may affect Humber’s reputation. Accounts that do not have an identifiable Social Media Liaison or administrator should be deactivated.
    • 5.6. The Social Media Liaison(s) must consistently monitor Affiliated Secondary Social Media Accounts to answer enquiries and flag emerging issues, security risks and controversial content that may affect Humber’s reputation.
    • 5.7. In accordance with applicable privacy and copyright laws, consent must be obtained when taking photographs, shooting live video and/or recording testimonials of people for use in social media content.
  6. The creation of additional Primary or Affiliated Secondary Social Media Accounts outside of Humber’s main presence on social media platforms used for professional networking and/or corporate and educational recruitment is not permitted. This does not include user groups on platforms, e.g., “HRT Class of 2007 Group,” “Humber Design Grads,” etc.
  7. Individuals found in violation of this Social Media Policy may be subject to remedial action and such violations will be reviewed by the respective manager and Human Resources Department in accordance with applicable collective agreements and/or terms and conditions of employment.