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Human Resources

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

man sitting in a wheelchair

Accessibility Policy

little girl in a wheelchair

Accessible Customer Service Policy

large accessibility mouse

Accommodation for Employees with Disabilities Policy

man giving another man money

Anti-Corruption Policy

man talking to a group of students

Appointment of Adjunct Professors Policy

lady talking to students

Faculty Academic/Professional Credential Requirements Policy

lady talking to students

Faculty Evaluation and Professional Development Policy

lady shaking a man's hand

Gender Diversity Policy

group of people waving their hands in the air

Human Rights Policy

box with a pad lock on it

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

man and woman standing with safety hats on talking

Protected Disclosure (Whistleblower) Policy

3 men smiling

Wearing of Kirpan Policy

female student drilling holes in wood

Workplace Safety and Insurance Coverage for Students on Unpaid Work Placements Policy

man clinching fist on the table

Workplace Violence Prevention Policy