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Allegations of a Breach of Academic Integrity of Faculty and Staff

Effective Date: December 13, 2021
Downloadable Version: PDF ICON Allegations of a Breach of Academic Integrity of Faculty and Staff
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This procedure outlines the steps to be taken if a staff or student allege academic dishonesty on the part of a staff member. (Note the procedure for dealing with allegation of students’ misconduct are covered in the Academic Regulations.)


Academic integrity: Behaviour that builds mutual trust on which scholarly exchanges commonly rest, enabling the ability to evaluate a student’s academic achievements, and the College’s ability to support the acquisition of learning objectives.

Academic Integrity Values: As defined by the International Centre for Academic Integrity they are: honesty, trust, respect, responsibility, fairness, and courage (ICAI, 2013).

Breach of Academic Integrity: An offence which violates the academic integrity of the learning environment, which includes but is not limited to, instances of misrepresentation of personal credentials or achievement, plagiarism, deception, fabrication, bribery, falsification and undisclosed conflicts of interest.


1. Allegations of a Breach of Academic Integrity - Staff

1.1 Any allegations of academic dishonesty pertaining to staff shall be made in writing and directed to the President or his/her designate.

1.2 The President or designate shall notify the individual(s) named in the allegation and determine whether an investigation is required. The privacy of all individual(s) will be protected during the complaint process.

1.3 The President or designate may convene an investigative committee that will determine an investigative procedure suitable to the circumstance.

1.4 The investigative committee shall report to the President or designate, in writing, as to its finding and the President or designate shall determine the appropriate course of action in accordance with provincial and federal law, and the College’s governing policies and agreements.


Academic Regulations 1

Humber Intellectual Property Policy

Humber Code of Ethics

1The College has very specific regulations for students pertaining to acts of academic dishonesty, misrepresentation of personal performance, and damage to the integrity of scholarly exchanges. These are referred to as acts of academic misconduct and are included in detail in the Academic Regulations. Penalties, investigative procedures and requirements, and documentation of offences for student academic misconduct are also identified in the Academic Regulations. Professors, instructors, invigilators and other academic staff members have very specific responsibilities pertaining to the detection and management of student academic misconduct.

