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Program Suspension and Cancellation Procedure

Effective Date: May 19, 2021
Downloadable Version: PDF ICON Program Suspension and Cancellation Procedure
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This procedure is intended to:

  • Detail the procedure for the suspension or cancellation of programs.
  • Establish the duties and responsibilities of various departments involved in program suspension and/or cancellation.


Application cycle: The application cycle begins on the date that the college accepts applications for the upcoming academic year. For example, applications for the academic year (September, January and May intakes) are commonly first received in December of the previous year, although international student applications may be received earlier.

Cancellation: The cancellation of a program occurs when a program permanently ceases to be offered by the College, and is to be is removed from the list of approved program offerings.

Core SEM: Strategic Enrolment Management process which is part of the college’s annual planning procedures.

Enrolment planning cycle: Enrolment targets are projected for approximately 5- years but finalized September start targets are normally confirmed in November of the previous year.

Suspension: Program suspension is intended as a temporary measure and occurs when admission to all sections of a program is stopped for one or more intake periods.

Teach-out Plan: A program plan that provides for the equitable treatment of students who are registered in a program that is cancelled or suspended by the College. It is designed to ensure that all registered students are provided with options for completion of the suspended or canceled program.


1. Program Intake Suspensions during the Application Cycle for reasons of low enrolment:

1.1 Program semester 1 intakes and course offerings that have difficulty attracting sufficient candidates to meet their registration minimum during an application cycle may be suspended for that term.

1.1.1 Review of the admission data for September will take place and program intakes may be recommended for suspension on or after any one of these dates: April 15 following receipt of February 1 applications, May 1 following receipt of confirmation Notices, June 15 following receipt of the fees deposit.

1.1.2 The program intake reviews for the winter and spring will take place on or around December 1 and April 1, respectively, following receipt of fees deposit.

1.1.3 A decision to suspend a program intake will normally be taken as late as one month prior to the start date for fall term programs, and two weeks prior to the start date for winter and spring term programs. Any program intake that is not suspended in the above timeframe will be offered, regardless of not meeting the minimum enrolment targets.

1.1.4 Students will be advised when a program intake is suspended and offered admission in other available programs or assistance will be provided to find a similar program in Humber or another comparable institution.

2. Program Suspensions outside of the application cycle:

2.1 The Senior Dean, along with administrators and academic faculty, will review programs on an ongoing basis through formal and informal processes.

2.1.1 Recommendations regarding program suspension will take various factors into account, including enrolment levels but may also take place as a result of a comprehensive program review (see Appendix A).

2.1.2 Recommendations for the suspension of a program must be presented to the Senior Vice-President, Academic (SVPA) for consideration. If endorsed by the SVPA, those programs recommended for suspension will then be presented to the Senior Executive Team for information.

2.1.3 Once the decision has been made to suspend a program outside of an application cycle, notifications must be made and should include, but are not restricted to: CORE Strategic Enrolment Management Committee (CORE SEM), Academic Leadership Committee (ALC), and Humber College Council (HCC). The senior dean will notify the membership of the Program Advisory Committee of its decision to suspend/ cancel the program.

3. Program Cancellation

3.1.1 Recommendations regarding program cancellation will be based on a comprehensive review (see appendix A).

3.1.2 Recommendations for the cancellation of a program must be presented to the Senior Vice-President, Academic (SVPA) for consideration. If endorsed by the SVPA, those programs recommended for cancellation will then be presented to the Senior Executive Team for approval. Once approved by the Senior Executive Team, program cancellations must be submitted to the Board of Governors for approval through the Academic and Student Affairs subcommittee prior to notice of cancellation being forwarded to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.

3.1.3 Once the decision has been made to cancel a program outside of an application cycle, notifications must be made and should include, but are not restricted to: CORE SEM, ALC, and HCC. UCC will be notified of the decision. The Senior Dean will notify the membership of the Program Advisory Committee of its decision to cancel the program. The President will notify the Ministry of Colleges and Universities of the decision to cancel a program.

4. Communication with applicants and current students

4.1 Where possible, recommendations to suspend or cancel a program of study shall be provided to Humber’s Board of Governors in a timely manner such that decisions can be implemented and communicated prior to the issuance of admission offers to prospective students in order to minimize the impact on applicants.

4.2 In cases where the College suspends or cancels programs in which there is active student enrolment, the College will develop a teach-out plan and provide students enrolled in programs that have been suspended/cancelled the opportunity to complete the program within the normal time as outlined in the Program Progression and Graduation Requirements.

Appendix A Comprehensive Review Process:

1. Based on recommendations from academic Senior Deans and Program Planning, Development & Renewal, as well as program performance data and other relevant criteria (listed below), the Office of the Senior Vice-President, Academic (SVPA) will identify full-time post-secondary programs for comprehensive review.

2. Each program selected for a comprehensive review will be considered by a committee appointed by the SVPA. Committee membership may include representatives from stakeholder groups such as Program Advisory Committees, other industry experts, academic faculty, appropriate administrators and support personnel.

3. The criteria for assessment and supporting relevant data will be comprehensive in approach and shall evaluate the program’s value to students, the community at large and the College, as well as cost and resource factors. To inform the decision the factors to be taken into account include, but are not limited to (in no order of priority):

  • advice sought and received by the Program Advisory Committee (PAC)
  • alignment with institutional mandate, vision, mission, strategic plan, strategic mandate agreement (SMA)
  • alternate program providers
  • feedback from program staff
  • financial viability
  • graduate employment data
  • labour market demand
  • program quality metrics
  • relationship to other programs
  • resource requirements
  • retention/graduation rate
  • student demand
  • student satisfaction rate

Consultation shall occur with all relevant academic, administrative and support areas and, where applicable, with relevant external and accreditation bodies.

4. Recommendations for the suspension or cancellation of a program must be presented to the SVPA for consideration. Further steps are outlined in the body of the procedure.