2013-2014 Business Plan and Budget Update

April 16, 2013

I am pleased to provide the Humber community with an update on 2013-2014 business and strategic planning.

Last month, the Humber Board of Governors approved the 2013-2014 budget and interim business plan. We are continuing to develop the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan, which will be presented to the Board for approval in May, along with the final (Year 1) Business Plan that will reflect the new strategic plan priorities.

Board approval of the budget comes at a time of transition as we position ourselves for continued leadership in Ontario’s changing postsecondary environment.

Future priorities will continue to put student success at the core of everything we do. As you’re well aware, Humber has grown significantly during the last half-decade, most notably in our enrolment which has increased by 43 per cent since 2008. This rapid growth requires us to balance quantity with quality. To do so, we must invest in our students.

In fact, we are already doing so. Building on strong programs, enrolment and reputation, our prudent and responsible financial management has enabled Humber to generate revenue above expenditures in recent years. This surplus has, and will continue to be, strategically invested in Humber’s future to ensure delivery of the highest quality student experience.

The 2013-2014 budget already includes enhanced investment in student support and resources including: mental health first aid training, broader student services such as peer mentoring/learning skills workshops, implementation of ERP/Banner, $5 million in academic equipment, $5 million to support new Strategic Plan initiatives, expanded faculty supports through the Centre for Teaching and Learning, research and entrepreneurial opportunities for students, new technology and technology systems, and of course new program development.

We are headed into an era of reduced government funding and smaller tuition increases. We must continue to demonstrate strong leadership and prudent financial management as we will need to be self reliant in financing our future priorities. The Learning Resource Commons, new Data Centres, a new telephony and unified communications system are examples of planned projects and necessary investment in our students.

We expect to be in a similar financial position this year. We will continue to update the Humber community about strategic and business planning, budget status and performance against our strategic priorities. Ultimately, we will continue to invest in our students to ensure they – and their teachers - have the resources, supports and infrastructure they need to ensure a quality learning experience that leads to employment opportunities.

Read more in my blog at humber.ca/presidentsblog/2013/4/9/investing-our-students.

Chris Whitaker