2014 Environmental Scan

December 10, 2014

Environmental scanning is an important and ongoing activity that supports strategic planning, institutional decision-making and resource allocation. In partnership with data holders from across the college, the Strategic Planning & Institutional Analysis (SPIA) unit collects, analyzes and communicates institutional data related to students, faculty, programs and finances. These data are tracked and benchmarked over time, as we consider our reality in the context of our competitors both local and global.

The 2014 Environmental Scan was researched and developed over the summer of 2014 and serves as an update of the 2012 Environmental Scan, which was produced to share with the Humber Board of Governors, college leaders and the broader campus community in the very early stages of the 2012-13 strategic planning process undertaken to develop the 2013-18 Strategic Plan. 

Find the 2014 Environmental Scan at humber.ca/wearehumber and check back often for new material and analysis. Please don't hesitate to contact us at strategicplanning@humber.ca with any questions or ideas.