2014/2015 Viewbooks and Calendars are Here!

September 27, 2013

The 2014/2015 editions of the Viewbook, Degree Viewbook, Postsecondary Calendar and Postgraduate Calendar are now available!

Marketing & Communications, in collaboration with the academic schools and many departments across the college, are pleased to present our newest publications, which reflect our new WE ARE HUMBER brand with the vibrancy that supports our polytechnic identity.

The recruitment team has started to use the Viewbooks and Calendars for their high school visits and they will also be made available at upcoming college and university fairs.

The Calendars will be sent to schools, community groups, career centres, hospitals, libraries, government agencies and corporations. Over the next week, the schools and departments here at Humber will receive copies of the Calendars and Viewbooks. If you require additional inventory beyond that, please contact the mailroom directly (North at ext. 4363, Lakeshore at ext. 3245).

To view an electronic copy of the Viewbooks visit: www.humber.ca/content/publications