2016-2017 League for Innovation Student Art Competition

Congratulations to Cassandra Chapman and Nicole Partyka for being recognized at the 2016-2017 League for Innovation Student Art Competition!

Cassandra Chapman received the Juror’s Choice prize in the Mixed Media category for her artwork “Raven” and Nicole Partyka received an Honourable Mention in the Colour Photography category for her artwork “Lights Camera”.

Each year, a panel of Jurors from the local art community selects five pieces of artwork from the annual Humber Student Art Show to represent Humber at the League for Innovation International Student Art Competition. The League for Innovation is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to cultivating innovation in the community college environment. Humber is the only Canadian member and has been a part of the League for over 25 years.

Cassandra Chapman
Visual & Digital Arts Program
Lights Camera
Nicole Partyka
Media Communications Program